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Unit 3.0 Vocabulary. 1. Apprenticeship An on-the-job training experience where the trainee is to learn a job under the guidance of a skilled practitioner.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 3.0 Vocabulary. 1. Apprenticeship An on-the-job training experience where the trainee is to learn a job under the guidance of a skilled practitioner."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 3.0 Vocabulary

2 1. Apprenticeship An on-the-job training experience where the trainee is to learn a job under the guidance of a skilled practitioner

3 2. ASSET A test that is given for admission to some 2-year community colleges. Also called the Accuplacer.

4 3. ASVAB Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery. A test given by the Department of Defense. Used to determine what military jobs you qualify for. Highest score is 99; average score in NC is 31; The higher your score, the better your job.

5 4. Bachelor’s Degree You receive this after completing 4 years of college with enough hours to graduate.

6 What is a “credit hour?” In higher education, courses are assigned credit hours as their point values The usual college course has 3 credit hours You usually need a total of 15-18 credit hours per ½ year in order to graduate in 4 years So that means you are taking between 5-6 courses (15/3=5, etc) per ½ year in college The same is true of community colleges

7 5. Certificate A written document given out by schools to indicate that the person has acquired certain skills. For example, at Cape Fear Community College you can earn a certificate in the field of Autobody Repair.

8 6. CFNC College Foundation of NC A website where NC students can: evaluate colleges, determine possible college majors, evaluate skills

9 Postsecondary After high school

10 7. college/university A postsecondary school where a student can receive first a 4-year Bachelor’s degree.

11 8. Community College 2-year post-secondary school that leads to either a certificate, a diploma, or an Associates Degree

12 9. Cooperative Education Paid employment where you have to do certain things to earn academic credit; provided through a career-technical class and supervised by a teacher At Topsail HS students can actually work in a paid job and receive course credit for a marketing class

13 10. Course of Study Are you going to a 4-year college or directly into the work force or something in between? For current freshmen and sophomores you are in the “Future Ready” course of study. If you are going to a 4 year college you must take 2 years of a foreign language

14 11. Future-Ready Core – 9 th graders only – brand new this year 4 math credits Foreign language not required but you must take it if you want 4-year college 6 elective credits fro: Career/technical, or Arts, or second languages 21 credits total + 7 more = 28

15 12. Occupational course of study Only selected students qualify

16 13. Study habits Practices used to prepare for learning and assessment of subject matter

17 14. Test-taking skills Practices used to prepare for learning and assessment of subject matter

18 15. Trade and professional organizations Composed of members who have the same or similar occupation.

19 16. Transcript: An academic record; an official record of grades earned during a high school career.

20 17. VOCATS Vocational Competency Achievement Tracking System - the way your progress in Career and Technical courses is monitored

21 18. Volunteer A contribution of free labor, usually to a non-profit organization.

22 19. Volunteer experiences Unpaid experiences; students work to get experience, contacts, or help out.

23 20. Work-based learning Opportunities for students to consider different careers and industries, learn basic workplace behavior

24 Future-Ready Core – 9 th graders only – brand new this year 4 math credits 4 English 3 Science 3 Social Studies 2 years of foreign language required if you want 4-year college 4 credits in a concentration Concentrations are: Arts (theater, art, music); ROTC; foreign language; Career/technical classes 21 credits total + 7 more = 28

25 21. EOC End-of-course assessment.

26 22. Goals A purpose/objective.

27 23. Internship Allows the student the opportunity to observe and participate in activities related to a career field; supervised by school personnel and related to the student’s career choice. (May be paid or unpaid)

28 24. Job shadowing A short-term experience that allows the student to follow an experienced worker and see the day-to-day activities of a particular career.

29 25. Master’s degree An advanced 2-year program completed after attainment of a bachelor’s degree.

30 26. Journey Worker A certified, experienced, skilled craftsperson that has successfully completed an apprenticeship program.

31 27. Postsecondary after high school.

32 28. Proprietary school A privately owned school that operates for profit for those seeking vocational training. Example: Miller Mott in Wilmington

33 29. PSAT Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test: A practice test that measures the critical thinking, mathematical reasoning, and writing skills that students need to do college-level work.

34 30. SAT Scholastic Aptitude Test – a test that measures the critical thinking mathematical, reasoning, and writing skills students need to do college-level work.

35 31. Student organizations exist to develop leadership skills and good citizenship among members Those in the CTE field are: HOSA (health), DECCA (business), FFA (horticulture)

36 32. Trade and professional organizations Composed of members who have the same or similar occupation.

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