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Session 15 Pay-Off Matrix and Table Formulation Project for Capacity Development for Implementing the Organic Law at the Capital and Provincial Level (PILAC.

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Presentation on theme: "Session 15 Pay-Off Matrix and Table Formulation Project for Capacity Development for Implementing the Organic Law at the Capital and Provincial Level (PILAC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Session 15 Pay-Off Matrix and Table Formulation Project for Capacity Development for Implementing the Organic Law at the Capital and Provincial Level (PILAC 2)

2 Objectives and Content Objective of Session 15: Training participants understand and can use the Pay-Off Matrix for the formulation of the table of project proposals for the CPIP. Content:1. Presentation: Pay-Off Matrix 2. Exercise: Pay-Off Matrix and table formulation 3. Sharing and Q&A 1

3 2 Pay-Off Matrix When the number or total cost of project proposals prepared by respective stakeholders is over the ceiling set by the PWG, respective stakeholders screen the number of project proposals by using the Pay-Off Matrix. (Sub-Step 1-2)

4 3 Pay-Off Matrix Possibility of implementation Impact DifficultEasy Large Small Efforts needed Bonus chance! Waste of time Quick implementation

5 4 Definitions of Technical Terms Category Criteria Explanation ImpactPossibility of implementation Bonus chanceLargeEasyThe projects in this category should be priority candidates as the impact is large and the implementation is easy. Quick implementation SmallEasyThe projects in this category may be considered for implementation as the implementation is easy although the impact is small. Waste of timeSmallDifficultThe projects in this category should be discarded. Efforts neededLargeDifficultThe projects in this category should be carefully considered with regard to possibility of implementation.

6 5 Process of Pay-Off Matrix (1) 1. Each stakeholder prepares the first draft table of project proposals. At this stage, the table is essentially a wish list, and no screening process is applied. 2. Each stakeholder confirms the ceiling on the total cost and the number of projects set by the PWG. 3. In the case of sectoral departments and institutions, the listed projects are screened by the Pay-Off Matrix directly. In the case of organizations that tackle general issues such as the MDK and NGOs, the screening is conducted for the project proposals under the same component, if the total number of project proposals is over ten.

7 6 Process of Pay-Off Matrix (2) 4.The positions of respective projects are fixed in four categories of the Pay-Off Matrix through discussion. Note: After positioning all projects, it is recommended that the positions be reconsidered and adjusted. 5. After fixing all positions of projects, priority projects are selected considering the ceiling on the total cost and the number of projects. 6. Each stakeholder fills out the selected projects in the table of project proposals.

8 7 Sample of project positioning Possibility of implementati on Impact Difficult Easy Large Small Efforts needed Bonus chance! Waste of time Quick implementation Project A Project B Project C Project D First choice Project E Project F Project G Discard

9 8 Exercise 1. The same four groups in the previous session work together. 2. One sample table of project proposals out of the four sample sets is assigned to each group, and each group conducts analysis by the Pay-Off Matrix. 3. Each group fixes four priority projects through discussion referring to the result of Pay-Off Matrix analysis. 4. Each group makes independently the consolidated table of project proposals using the exercise result of the four groups.

10 9 Exercise 5. Projects in the consolidated table of project proposals are given the following priority order by the Scoring Method: High, Medium, and Low. Note: “Policy Prioritization” is chosen as one of the criteria for the Scoring Method, and the table of the C/P development framework made in Session 11 is referred to. 6. “2.1c Table of C/P three-year investment projects (Uncommitted Projects)” is prepared.

11 10 Sample Table of Scoring Method Each group chooses three or four criteria from Urgency, Technical Aspects, Cost, Policy Prioritization, Beneficiaries, Sustainability, Gender, Environmental Aspects, and Feasibility. ProjectsXX Policy Prioritization Total Project A352212 Project B343111 Project C335314 The Score ranges from 1 (very low) to 5 (very high). Note. The scores should be fixed in vertical direction.

12 11 Thank You

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