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49 th EWG Meeting, Gyeongju, Korea June 22-26, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "49 th EWG Meeting, Gyeongju, Korea June 22-26, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 49 th EWG Meeting, Gyeongju, Korea June 22-26, 2015

2  Need to clarify and streamline project proposal process  Seek to ensure proposals are closely aligned with the EWG Strategic Plan and priorities and guidance from Ministers and Leaders  Will clarify process for: ◦ Concept note (CN) endorsement, co-sponsorship and submission, and ◦ Final proposal and quality assessment framework (QAF) review. 2

3 Endorsed and ranked at 2 nd EWG meeting 2015 Endorsed and ranked at 1st EWG meeting 2016 Project Session 1, 2016 APEC Secretariat Deadline: ~ February 2016 - Concept Notes to be distributed to Expert Groups/Task Force at least 4 weeks in advance of second 2015 EWG meeting. - Concept Notes to be distributed to EWG 2 weeks in advance of second 2015 EWG meeting. - Concept Notes to be endorsed and ranked by group at second 2015 EWG meeting. Project Session 2, 2016 APEC Secretariat Deadline: ~ July 2016 - Concept Notes to be distributed to Expert Groups/Task Force at least 4 weeks in advance of the first 2016 EWG meeting. - Concept Notes to be distributed to EWG 2 weeks in advance of the first 2016 meeting. - Concept Notes to be endorsed and ranked by group at the first 2016 EWG meeting. 3

4  POs must obtain at least two co-sponsors ◦ Co-sponsorship must be conveyed in writing through the economy’s EWG or Expert Group (EG)/Task Force (TF) representative (PO to provide a copy with the CN) ◦ Self-funded projects must also obtain at least two co-sponsors.  Once co-sponsors are obtained, PO submits CN through the sponsoring economy’s EG or TF member to relevant EG/TF Chair at least four weeks before the EWG meeting. ◦ Chair will circulate group of proposals to EG or TF members for review and endorsement. 4

5  EG/TF members should ensure that CNs: ◦ match goals contained in EWG Strategic Plan, ◦ address gaps not already addressed, and ◦ support Energy Ministers’ and Leaders’ goals and priorities.  Note: only if a project does not fit with the responsibilities of a specific EG/TF or is cross- cutting, may it be submitted directly to the EWG for review. ◦ PO must explain to EWG Secretariat why the project is being submitted directly to the EWG rather than through an EG/TF. 5

6  Once approved by EG or TF, submit to EWG for endorsement ◦ EG/TF Chair will forward CN to EWG Secretariat, with copy to APEC Secretariat, confirming EG/TF approval. ◦ EWG Secretariat will circulate CN to EWG members for endorsement. ◦ No changes to the CN are permitted after circulation unless these are required by members for endorsement. ◦ Note: unless projects are submitted at least two weeks before an EWG meeting, they will not be considered for endorsement. 6

7  EWG Secretariat will submit CNs to EWG Members 2 weeks before the relevant EWG meeting.  EWG members will discuss and rank EWG CNs at relevant EWG meeting, ensuring projects are aligned with the EWG Strategic Plan and Energy Ministers’ and Leaders’ goals and priorities.  Once endorsed by EWG, EWG Secretariat will submit CNs to APEC Secretariat. ◦ EGs and POs should not submit CNs directly.  Note: EWG Members are encouraged to share EWG ranking with their SOM representatives. 7

8  The APEC Secretariat will review CNs received from the EWG Secretariat for compliance with the Guidebook for APEC Projects. ◦ Compliant CNs received by the Final Submission Deadline will be referred to the SOM Steering Committee on ECOTECH (SCE) for consideration. ◦ Non-compliant CNs will be referred back to the PO and sponsoring economy representative for amendment. ◦ If non-compliant CNs are corrected and re-submitted prior to the Final Submission Deadline they will be referred to SCE for consideration.  The APEC Secretariat will inform EWG members (including EG/TF Chairs) of the final list of CNs referred to SCE, as ranked by the EWG. 8

9  If approved in principle for funding, APEC Secretariat will notify PO and request a full project proposal and QAF. ◦ APEC Secretariat will also notify EWG members of the full list of CNs approved in principle for funding.  Once QAF is completed by at least 2 economies, PO submits the project proposal and Consolidated QAF document directly to APEC Secretariat with copy to EWG Secretariat. ◦ Any member economy, including co-sponsoring economies, may contribute to a QAF. ◦ Note: QAF requests for any economy must go through the economy’s EWG or Expert Group/Task Force representative. 9

10  APEC Secretariat submits the Project Proposal and Consolidated QAF to all EWG members (including EG/TF Chairs) for review and endorsement. ◦ Expert Group/Task Force Chairs circulate to their groups.  After the Project Proposal is endorsed by EWG, the APEC Secretariat will proceed with the formal assessment of the endorsed document and referral for approval.  The APEC Secretariat will inform all EWG members (including EG/TF Chairs) of the final list of Project Proposals approved by the Budget and Management Committee. ◦ Expert Group/Task Force Chairs circulate to their groups. 10


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