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Should Schools Integrate Social Media into the Classroom?

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Presentation on theme: "Should Schools Integrate Social Media into the Classroom?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Should Schools Integrate Social Media into the Classroom?

2  Blog Post  Social media defined  History of social media  Top social medial outlets  Ten suggestions to assist with classroom integration

3 Social Media in the Classroom social-media-in-the-classroom-2/ The password is CECS

4 According to Merriam Webster, social media is defined as, “forms of electronic communication (as Web sites for social networking and microblogging) through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content (as videos).”

5 Key inventions  1792- Telegraph  1865- Pneumatic post  1890 & 1891- Telephone and radio  1940’s- Computers  1960’s- Internet  1970’s- Networking  1980’s- Home computers  1988- Internet relay chats  1997- Six Degrees allowed users to make profiles and friends  1999- First blogging sites

6 Although websites vary on who makes their lists, the following consistently make the top 10.  Facebook (number one according to every site visited)  Twitter  LinkedIn  Google+  Pinterest

7 1. Become social media savvy by using various forms 2. Get to know your schools tech limitations and where to get help 3. Understand buffering and bandwidths 4. Get students access to e-mail 5. Ensure everyone is able to see wall projections 6. Embrace BYOT- Bring Your Own Technology 7. Test the various technology ahead of time 8. Set some ground rules and understand the school’s and district’s rules 9. Teach students to be good cybercitizens 10. Follow-up and reflect to reinforce learning

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