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1 st AID & CPR Basic skills to treat anyone. 1 st AID  1) Size up the scene Is it safe for everyone Use appropriate protective equipment (gloves) What.

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Presentation on theme: "1 st AID & CPR Basic skills to treat anyone. 1 st AID  1) Size up the scene Is it safe for everyone Use appropriate protective equipment (gloves) What."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 st AID & CPR Basic skills to treat anyone

2 1 st AID  1) Size up the scene Is it safe for everyone Use appropriate protective equipment (gloves) What was the MOI How many victims Do you need more help

3 1 st AID  2) Initial Assessment Check consciousness Check for ABCs Airway (are they breathing) Blood (are they bleeding) Circulation (is there a pulse)

4 1 st AID  Call first or Care first Call if HEART is involved Care if there is a BREATHING emergency  Do not move unless necessary  Protect, bandage, immobilize as needed  Calling 911 is always OK!!!!

5 RESCUE BREATHING  Brain damage can occur after 6 minutes  Brain damage will occur after 10 minutes  Exhaled air has some O2  1 breath for every 5 seconds  Tilt chin, hold nose & breathe into mouth  Breathing barriers can be used

6 CAUSES  Object  Anaphylatic Shock  Poisoning  Accidents  Injury to head, chest, lungs or abdomen  Illness  Electrocution

7 AIRWAY OBSTRUCTION  AKA…. Choking  Most common cause of breathing emergencies  Poorly chewed food (eating too fast, talking, laughing)  Alcohol  Walking, running or playing with food or object in mouth  Dentures

8 TREATMENT  If coughing, encourage to continue  5 back blows + 5 abdominal thrusts Stand behind person One hand on naval Fist thumb side on abdomen above navel Grab fist with other hand Give quick, upward thrusts

9 CPR  CardioPulmonary Resuscitation  Used for CARDIAC ARREST (no heart function)  Unconsciouness  No movement or breathing  No pulse

10 CPR  2 hands on center of chest (sternum)  Push straight down 1.5-2 inches  Start with 2 breaths (enough to raise chest)  30 compressions @ rate of 100 per minute  Give 2 breaths (1 breath per second )  Continue with compressions

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