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Week 5: Theories of Diversity Part 2 Dr. Gloria E. Jacobs.

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Presentation on theme: "Week 5: Theories of Diversity Part 2 Dr. Gloria E. Jacobs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Week 5: Theories of Diversity Part 2 Dr. Gloria E. Jacobs

2 Sharing Small Group Discussion Minilecture Break Analysis Workshop Next Week

3  Taking Risks Taking Risks  Your experiences this week?

4  Questions from last week ◦ Colorblindness? White guilt? White privilege? White allies? ◦ Fighting the system? ◦ Differing cultural values? ◦ Retention as disability construction? Or support?

5 Group 1 Michelle Lucia Sarah Jacque Group 2 Amanda Jeannie Jessica Group 3 Danielle Cristin Karyl Group 4 Stacy Brandon Shannon Group 5 Meghan Cindy Robyn Group 6 Kristina Angie Alysse

6 Revisiting White Privilege Review of the Theories Culture as Disability (McDermott & Varenne) Critical Race Theory (Parker & Willis; Yosso) Community Cultural Capital (Yosso) Cultural Historical Theory (Pacheco & Gutierrez)


8  Share what you learned about the community your researched and analyzed with someone other than the person you interviewed.  Together reanalyze each of the communities you studied using sociocultural historical theory (Gutierrez & Pacheco). ◦ What different questions does the new theory lead you to ask that culture as disability doesn’t ask? ◦ What new ways of understanding the community are possible?

9 Questions about the school analysis due next week?

10  1. Obedience and punishment orientation (How can I avoid punishment?)  2. Self-interest orientation (What's in it for me?)  3. Interpersonal accord and conformity (Social norms) (The good boy/good girl attitude)  4. Authority and social-order maintaining orientation (Law and order morality)  5. Social contract orientation  6. Universal ethical principles

11  How to respond to racist remarks How to respond to racist remarks  How can you use this advice for addressing other “isms?”  With a partner, and paying attention to Rex & Schiller’s points about power, write a script for responding to someone who says something that sounds ◦ Sexist ◦ Homophonic ◦ Classist or ◦ Ableist  How would you adjust this script for use with ◦ A primary student ◦ An intermediate student ◦ A high school student

12 Readings about Language & Culture Baldwin Redd & Webb Anzaldua Christensen Tateishi Writing School Analysis No wiki post

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