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Ebor Gardens Foundation Stage Unit The Early Years Foundation Stage Framework.

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Presentation on theme: "Ebor Gardens Foundation Stage Unit The Early Years Foundation Stage Framework."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ebor Gardens Foundation Stage Unit The Early Years Foundation Stage Framework

2 Legal welfare Requirements:- To keep your child safe and promote their welfare. Learning & development To ensure all children have the opportunity to learn the skills and knowledge in seven areas

3 Safeguarding and Welfare requirements. As a school and in our early years provision safeguarding is a priority. We work to ensure children feel safe, and we aim to promote children’s welfare and strive to safeguard children at all times. We aim to educate children to keep themselves safe and healthy. To help them to understand that there is a need for boundaries, rules and limits and how they can avoid hazards.

4 Learning and development 7 areas of learning 3 Prime Areas 4 Specific Areas

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