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Published byAlexina George Modified over 9 years ago
ESS EA and ESS VIP PROGRAMME LUXEMBOURG 28/11/2012 ITDG Item 3.1 – 3.2 – 3.3 – 3.4
ITDG ITEM 3.1 ESS Enterprise architecture
Drivers for change Increased demand of new and better statistics Severe budget constraints and cuts Necessity to cut the burden for respondents, enterprises and citizens alike Increased competition by private and public information providers Challenge of globalisation and complication of statistical phenomena New opportunities provided by Information Technology developments
Needs for an ESS EA Definition of the common target based on business requirements Instrument to set priorities, streamline investments and use efficiently resources (top down component) Operationalisation of the concept like interoperability, reusability and sharing components Rationalise IT and reduce IT development/maintainance cost
ESS EA components Fundamental principles underpining the Vision for the production if EU statistics Strategic directions for infrastructure development for implementing the "ESS Joint strategy" Network, Information, Service and Interporability Descriptions of the "To be state" Working structure based on EA layers
ESS EA components Support governance ensuring coherence and efficiency of developments Instrument (ESS VIP programme) to combine business realisation and development of cross cutting infrastructure Architecture for interoperability and reusability (shared services)
To-be-state Where do we want to be in 10 years' time?
Challenge Move ESS towards an "integrated" statistical system for European Statistics and selected national purposes, founded on: subsidiarity common infrastructures minimum standards for using the shared elements of the system
Key concepts Meta-functions Input – information collection Transform/Process Output sharing/dissemination Set of services (functions) of statistical nature - processing and dissemination of data logistic nature –store, share the data and monitor the processes
Network infrastructure – ESS BUS physical connectivity of the system with security built in interoperability of the different components proper functioning and automation of operations through process manager and repository facilities Metadata driven system (ensuring reuse of information) Governance structure Legal and methodological frameworks
Key architecture developments Standard models for Information to be shared Statistical processes Guidelines and protocols for data sharing and transmission Guidelines and protocols for service interconnection (plug and play)
European Statistics – Production Processes ESS Secure Bus European Statistics - Dissemination NS I EST AT ST AT Other Statistical Actors NC B EC B European System of Central Banks European Statistical System Primary Collection Administrative Sources - Surveys – Official Sources – Private Sources Primary Collection Administrative Sources - Surveys – Official Sources – Private Sources Users Other Partners OEC D IMF … Shared Services -Storage -Production -Dissemination -… Shared Services -Storage -Production -Dissemination -… To-be-state Interoperability standards & common metadata
The ESS in 10 years' time A system with selected competence centres in place providing ESS services ESS data stores and data warehouses (dissemination and production - mutually accessible by users, ESS producers and partners) Selected sets of micro-data and administrative data will be shared in the system Underlying operational and conceptual issues of data sharing, data storage, system communication, security, have to be solved in a timely fashion
Item 3.1 ITDG discussion discuss the "to be state" from the angle of solution and technical architecture suggest ways and priorities to proceed with further developments of the ESS EA
ITDG ITEM 3.2. ESS VIP Programme
What is the ESS VIPs Programme? The ESS VIPs Programme sets up the working structure ensuring the realisation of key "Vision" objectives while ensuring step by step development of cross cutting ESS architectures and infrastructures building blocks
What is the ESS VIPs Programme? Key organisational principles business driven – based on agreed and concrete business cases piloted in specific statistical areas (ESS VIPs) Genericity of cross cutting development ensured by horizontal actions meeting business requirements and providing the required framework for the re-engineering of the production of European statistics
What is the value added? It combines concrete business cases and with the development of horizontal activities towards the target system It proposes a renewed collaborative approach within the ESS To optimise available resources Streamline developments Enhance the flexibility of the system to react to new requirements.
Architectural principles Cross cutting development are strongly linked to ESS VIPs Development of generic services/functionalities (SOA approach) to support business process Setting of specific competences at the service of the entire system (centres of excellence) Covering the three meta-functions: information collection, transforming/processing and sharing/dissemination Collaborative approach with MS (common standard and shared developments) Strong governance of the programme at ESS level and supporting mechanism (Programme office, Human resources, Legal Framework …)
ESS VIPsCC – "Technical"CC – "General" ADMIN Information models Communication NAPSNetwork / BUSGovernance ESS DW PRIX and TRIS Data warehouseHuman resources EGR / EBRsShared services Financial resources SIMSTAT Validation architecture Legal framework ICT Implementing strategy Common validation policy ESS VIPs and Cross-cutting issues
ESS VIP vs Cross cuttings SIMSTAT ESBRs ICT DW PRIX & TRANS NAPS_S ADMIN Validation policy Information models Network Data warehouses Shared services Validation architecutre Contribute Contribute & Use use ESS VIPs vs. cross cutting issues
ESS VIPs Programme ESS VIPs - overview
1) ADMIN Increase the use of administrative data sources in the ESS by the identification of new approaches to deal with the known deficiencies of administrative data sources the design of generic processes the definition of common quality standards
2) NAPS -S Industrialise and integrate the production of national accounts statistics (times series) and improve NA quality through componentisation (service) of production of NA sharing components (services) with and among MS building common data warehouse for National Account sub-processes
3) SIMSTAT Reduction of the burden imposed to enterprises and statistical authorities through Design of a new business process to organise the production of Intra-EU trade statistics The exchange of (export) micro-data on Intra-EU trade among Member States
4) ESBRs Integration the production of business statistics through The development a system of interoperable national statistical business register (BR) The establishment of a ESS reference business process for BR to feed National Production Systems The improvement of Euro Group register "component" (quality, governance, access...) The development of generic service to be used by MS and Eurostat (identification, retrieval and update, validation, micro integration,... The development of pole of competence around enterprise group/profiling
5) Common validation policy Harmonise and integrate validation processes in the ESS across statistical domains through the documentation and clear attribution of responsibility for validation of EU statistics (statistical domain wise) streamlining basic validation steps through its integration in the transmission chain providing MS with standard service for validation prior to transmission designing and implementing solutions/environment for more complex validation (micro data)
6) ICT - HUB Streamline the production and the dissemination of ICT usage statistics (household and enterprise) through componentisation (service) of production of EU statistics sharing components (services) with MS integrating validation in MS production pulling validated data from MS using SDMX-RI streamlining final validation steps providing users with flexible system for data retrieval (data HUB model)
7) ESS DW pilots (PRIX and TRANSP) Integrate the production of key statistics (Price & Transport Statistics) through generic ESS data warehouse approaches with in particular The linkage of NSIS data warehouse for integration of micro data on price The integration of different type and source of transport data at ESS level
ESS VIPs Programme Cross Cutting developments An overview
1) Information models Conceptual development (information EA layer) to provide appropriate and timely data/metadata model required by ESS VIP projects: Information model for micro data processes based on DDI Information model for service communication and integration Information models beyond SDMX for new type of data exchange (transaction data, …)
2) Network and communication The uplift of ESS network infrastructure ensuring continuity of systems, higher agility, higher security and sustainable costs through The building or upgrade of secured network /BUS infrastructure for exchange of confidential statistical data and metadata among ESS partners The definition of common standards for information, message transfer and communication of services
3) Shared services Setting up of a Service Oriented Architecture and related governance allowing for sharing of services across processes and partners through Issuing principles and guidelines for the development of services (web services, SICON service) facilitating their integration in production chains The feasibility of using existing SOA platform to support the development of a distributed CORE architecture The development of register of common services and process manager solution to orchestrate them
4) Data warehouses The upgrading of the ESS information architecture and the development of a solution for storing, processing and redistributing shared data across partners and processes as required for several ESS VIPs through:
4) Data warehouses The setting up of and ESS strategy for data & metadata management. The improvement and extension of the current infrastructure for EU data and metadata storage and access (reference data base, SDMX code list registry and DSD) The provision of functionalities and infrastructure for storing and sharing data and metadata during production process The upgrade of the EU statistics dissemination infrastructure.
5) Validation architecture Design and maintenance the validation architecture and a complete set of building blocks to provide complete solution to business validation requirements through Provision of validation services linked to the current file transfer architecture Development of other validation services required in ESS VIPs
ESS VIPs Programme Programme implementation
Strong programme governance at ESS level (still to be set up) tighting the different projects Consolidation phase of the programme during the next 6 months Priority on realisation of on going projects : ESBRS SIMSTAT COMMON VALIDATION POLICY
Incremental approach based on pilot in specific statistical domains and/or process steps During the first years, cross cutting issues focus on the development with MSs of common ESS architecture and corresponding minimals standards Continuous monitoring with possibility of inclusion of new business realisation based on on-going cross cutting developments and of new cross cutting issues (e.g. data collection)
Logistic support for programme monitoring (Programme Office) Supporting mechanisms for pooling ressources Supporting EA function for alignment of projects and incremental alignment of national and Eurostat infrastructure
ESSC (15 novembre) supported programme as adequate ESS response to challenges agreed on the 3 priorities (EsBRs, SIMSTAT, Validation) request strenghtening of cost benefit/analysis for remaining projects Eurostat will create a High Level Group to finalise programme and propose governance
Item 3.2 ITDG discussion to give an opinion on the proposed approach and content of the ESS VIP programme to identify challenge for its implementation and possible gaps to suggest ways to ensure MSs participations in ESS VIP programme implementation
ITDG ITEM 3.3. Towards the development of common infrastructure
Information models Modelling ESS VIP information objects Upgrading industry standards (DDI, SDMX, …) Information infrastructur e Information architecture definition Enterprise data warehouse Data Metadata repositories Process repositories Enterprise data warehouse Data Metadata repositories Process repositories Interconnected and interoperable ESS data warehouses Network Upgrade EDAMIS/STATEL Pull/push modes enabled Streamlining Single Entry Point Upgrade EDAMIS/STATEL Pull/push modes enabled Streamlining Single Entry Point Remote access to secured production environment (SICON) Secure ESS network Services Service architecture definition Web services Platform for sharing services Validation architecture Validation building blocks GSIM, GSBPM, CORE data, metadata, process DDI-SDMX-GSIM trilogue CORE
Informatio n models Modelling ESS VIP information objects Upgrading industry standards (DDI, SDMX, …) Information infrastructure Information architecture definition Enterprise data warehouse Data Metadata repositories Process repositories Interconnected and interoperable ESS data warehouses Network Upgrade EDAMIS/STATEL Pull/push modes enabled Streamlining Single Entry Point Remote access to secured production environment (SICON) Secure ESS network Services Service architecture definition Web services Platform for sharing services Validation architecture Validation building blocks TRANS DW VALIDATION POLICY PRIX DW SIMSTAT ICT HUB EsBRs SIMSTAT ICT HUB VALIDATION POLICY NAPS
Item 3.3 ITDG discussion Role of ITDG together with DIME for technical governance of cross cutting development Integration with MS infrastructure
ITDG ITEM 3.4. IT principles
Background ITDG requested SISAI to develop IT principles SISAI underlined the need to address business process modelling and IT principles together NL, FR, IT, SI and PT volunteered to finalise the development of CORE architecture and the setting up of corresponding principles
Opportunities Activity has been integrated in the ESS VIP "shared service" cross cutting work programme for 2013 HLG-BAS has identified "plug and play architecture" as a 2013 priority and is calling for group to define work programme
Item 3.4 ITDG discussion Strategy for CORE development and related IT principles ESS participation in HLG-BAS "plug and play group"
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