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English II Honors—August 24, 2015 Sit wherever you want, I will move you soon. DO NOT mess with the computers or move the furniture in anyway. Homework:

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Presentation on theme: "English II Honors—August 24, 2015 Sit wherever you want, I will move you soon. DO NOT mess with the computers or move the furniture in anyway. Homework:"— Presentation transcript:

1 English II Honors—August 24, 2015 Sit wherever you want, I will move you soon. DO NOT mess with the computers or move the furniture in anyway. Homework: – Study for Lesson 3 and 5 Vocabulary Quiz. – $5 Lab fee due today. – My Culture Collage due today.

2 Rotation Teams Team 1 Technology StationTeam 2 Teacher Station Anna Richardson Meagan Roge Chiara Castro Connor Ehrhart Kylee Lanni Alicia Mendez Jase Ginn Emma Van Camp Britney Narcisse Zahir Karim Nicole Hauck Team 3 Group Work StationTeam 4 Independent Work Station Cat Nettleton Jylisa Eadie-Hendricks Chelsea Dorsainvil Breahna Leslie David Moore Emma Johnson Ed Phillipe Taylor Bretz Naseem Aguste Miranda Thomason Cheyenne Scarborough Kanga Moise Djovan Saint-Hilaire

3 Rotation Rules Depending on which station you start at, you will either hang your backpack on the back of the chair or put it under the desk. You will leave your backpack at the starting station. You should have a sheet of paper and something to write with when you go to each station. – If you need supplies, you will raise your hand, and the student aide will get them for you. – If you have issues with technology, you will raise your hand, and the student aide will help you. You will be silent during rotation. You are not to speak with other students. When the timer goes off, you will stop what you are doing immediately, clean up your area, and move immediately to the next station even if you are not finished with the activity. You will have until the timer stops (15 seconds) to be at the next station. You will take any incomplete work with you to the next station. You will begin work immediately upon arrival at the next station.

4 Teacher Station Rules: – Begin Daily Warm-up immediately upon arrival. You will keep your daily-warm up and add to it each day. You will turn it in on Friday. – Only speak when teacher directs you to do so. – Keep full attention on the teacher and not what is happening at other stations.

5 Independent Work Station Rules: – Get your work from the class period folder. – Begin working quietly. – You may raise your hand and ask the aide for help, but you are not to speak to other students in the station. – If you still have questions with independent work, you may ask questions when you arrive at the Teacher Station. – If you finish before time to rotate, you will get work from the “Enrichment” folder or read a book. – Clean up area when it is time to rotate.

6 Technology Station Rules: – Login quickly to the program. – Use your own headphones or the headphones provided (wipe down the headphones when finished). – Work independently. – If you have questions or need assistance, you will ask the student aide for help. – If you finish before it is time to rotate, you may finish independent work or read a book. – Log out of the program before rotating.

7 Group Work Station Rules: – You will whisper at all times. – Each team member will contribute to the group activity. – If you finish early, you will finish Independent work or read a book. – Clean up the station before rotating.

8 English II Honors—Today’s Stations Today we will practice rotation to see how it will flow and make adjustments if necessary. Teacher Station: We will discuss vocabulary. Independent Work Station: Get a vocabulary worksheet from the class period folder. Use the Vocabulary List to write down the words on the worksheet in Exercise A. For Lesson 3, complete Exercises A- D. For Lesson 5, complete Exercises A and B. Technology Station: Log into Reading Plus. Work on assignments. Make sure to log out of Reading Plus when you rotate. Group Work Station: Work with your team to come up with a team name (school appropriate). Once you’ve decided your team name, each of you will create a “poster” with the team name and decorate it. Bring your completed posters with you to the Teacher Station.

9 English II Honors—Lesson 3 Vocabulary A base word carries the meaning of a word. For example, the words restart and startle share the base word start. A root, unlike a base word, cannot stand alone. For example, the words predict and dictator share the Latin root dict, which means “say”. dispassionate—adj. not influenced by strong emotion, and so able to be rational and impartial infamous—adj. well known for some bad quality or deed systematic—adj. done or acting according to a fixed plan or system; methodical disposition—n. a person’s inherent qualities of mind and character retort—v. say something in answer to a remark or accusation, typically in a sharp, angry, or wittily incisive manner torsion—n. the act of twisting or the state of being twisted, especially of one end of an object relative to another regress—v. to return to a former or less developed state protracted—adj. lasting for a long time or longer than expected or usual traction—n. the grip of a tire on a road or a wheel on a rail digression—n. a temporary departure from the main subject in speech or writing

10 English II Honors—Lesson 5 Vocabulary giddy: adj. having a sensation of whirling and a tendency to fall or stagger; dizzy. V. make (someone) feel excited to the point of disorientation. interminable: adj. endless. wary: adj. feeling or showing caution about possible dangers or problems. convoluted: adj. extremely complex and difficult to follow. evade: V. escape or avoid, especially by cleverness or trickery. innocuous: adj. not harmful or offensive. enhance: V. intensify, increase, or further improve the quality, value, or extent of. insuperable: adj. impossible to overcome. endorse: V. declare one's public approval or support of. sign (a check or bill of exchange) on the back to make it payable to someone other than the stated payee or to accept responsibility for paying it impede: V. delay or prevent (someone or something) by obstructing them; hinder.

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