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You will understand how mass production is used to produce large numbers of one product. You will understand how and why quality checks are carried out.

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Presentation on theme: "You will understand how mass production is used to produce large numbers of one product. You will understand how and why quality checks are carried out."— Presentation transcript:

1 You will understand how mass production is used to produce large numbers of one product. You will understand how and why quality checks are carried out in production. You will use your knowledge and understanding of mass production to set up your own assembly line and produce as many gift cards as possible. You will use your knowledge and understanding of quality control to produce high quality gift cards.

2 Making more than one product When you see a T-shirt, puppet or hat in the shops, you usual see more than one of the same product. This because these items have been made in a factory where they make a lot of same product, this is called Mass production. For example- In a factory producing puppets, each puppet will be made in stages. At each stage a person has a different job to do, this is called a Production line. Bob’s job is to pin the patterns to the fabric and cut them out. He then passes them to Clare. Clare’s job is to sew the eyes and all the other features onto the front and back Jane’s job is to sew the front and the back together ready to be sold.

3 The quality controller When producing a product in large quantities it is very easy to make mistakes!!!!! In a factory a person is employed to make sure that the quality of the product is a high standard. These checks are made when the product is finished and before it is sent to the shops. If the product is a poor quality it is either thrown away or sent back to be corrected. This costs the factory extra time and money.

4 Card production task Task In groups you are required to produce at least 20 gift card to a high standard. All cards must be the same size, shape and quality, if they are not the Quality controller will reject them. You will need to take on a different job each, which job you do is up to your team. The team with the most cards which pass all the quality checks, WINS!!!!!!!!

5 Team work Good Communication High quality products Organisation


7 Manufacturing a pencil case Here are all the fabric pieces and components used to make this pencil case. What order would you assemble this pencil case in. Write in stages how you would do this. Needle Scissors Sewing machine Zip Fabric TemplatePins

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