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Hosted by John Knowles 100 200 400 300 400 Ch. 9-10Ch. 11-12QuotesPotpourri 300 200 400 200 100 500 100.

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2 Hosted by John Knowles

3 100 200 400 300 400 Ch. 9-10Ch. 11-12QuotesPotpourri 300 200 400 200 100 500 100

4 Row 1, Col 1 Gene discovers a “separate peace” during this well attended event. The Winter Carnival

5 1,2 This is the name of the doctor who attempts to fix Finny’s leg. Dr. Stanpole

6 1,3 “I love winter, and when you really love something, then it loves you back, in whatever way it has to love.” Finny

7 1,4 This character encourages the boys to fully engage in the war. He also reinforces the theme of Youth vs. Age. Brinker’s Father or Mr. Hadley

8 2,1 Leper claims that he is glad that this occurred. He refers to it as a test. The War

9 2,2 Getting up to leave the trial, Finny says this phrase (3 words) I Don’t Care

10 2,3 “And the rays of the sun were shooting past golden machine gun fire.” Leper

11 2,4 Throughout the novel, peace is equated with this season. Summer

12 3,1 This character plays the trumpet to start the Winter Carnival. Chet Douglas

13 3,2 Finny’s doctor likens an operating room to this. War

14 3,3 “Sports are finished for him.” Dr. Stanpole

15 3,4 This is the term for a character whose actions or thoughts make another character appear greater or more significant. Foil Character

16 4,1 Leper is from this state. Vermont

17 4,2 Gene tells us that he is part of this class (graduating year) 1943

18 4,3 “But the truth will out.” Brinker

19 4,4 This is the name of Brinker’s timid roommate. Brownie Perkins

20 5,1 Leper imagines a fellow soldiers head transforming into this Disney icon. Snow White

21 5,2 The phrase “Here Boys Come to be Made Men” is written above the doorway of this building. First Building

22 5,3 “The more things stay the same the more they change.” Gene

23 5,4 Knowles references to Julius Caesar is an example of this literary terms. Allusion

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