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 Live in Tasmania  Live in forests and dens  Live in mainland Australia.

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2  Live in Tasmania  Live in forests and dens  Live in mainland Australia

3  Short thick heads  Strong jaw muscles  Sharp teeth  Small eyes  Large pink ears  Black coat  Size of little dog

4  Tiny spikes on black coat to help it bite through its prey  Red devil eyes to help it be fierce  Pointy ears to help it hear far  Sharp teeth to help it tear its prey  Black coat to help it camouflage

5  Eat lizards  Eat frogs  Eat insects  Omnivore  Predators are vultures and coyotes  Eat trees for dessert

6  Have 258 different cousins  Tail is 9 to 12 inches  Baby stays in mom’s pouch until 15 weeks old  12 of them eat together  Highest age for them is 8 years old

7  Humans cut down trees  Humans put out more dirt

8  Stone M., Lynn. Tasmanian Devil.  Arnet R., Elizabeth. Tasmanian Devils.

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