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New R&D Directions Carl Haber ATLAS Tracker Upgrade Mechanical Meeting 11-Sept-2013.

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Presentation on theme: "New R&D Directions Carl Haber ATLAS Tracker Upgrade Mechanical Meeting 11-Sept-2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 New R&D Directions Carl Haber ATLAS Tracker Upgrade Mechanical Meeting 11-Sept-2013

2 Local Perspective Composites and other advanced materials have benefited (or are seen to have potential) a number of programs – HEP, NP, Photon Science, magnets…. New R&D in this area is seen as strategic Some support has been made available for the coming year Aspects are synergistic with ATLAS R&D

3 Approach Technologies proposed for study involve advanced materials which combine excellent mechanical and thermal properties. – Ultimately suitable for large scale applications and fabrication. Typically these materials are composites or derivatives of carbon, polymers, and other organic or inorganic fillers. – Seek to explore new and emerging materials which require special processing methods and may expand Lab capabilities. Understand these materials through both measurements, and simulation and modeling tools. Integrate materials into prototypical structures which can be used to qualify overall system-like performance. Build a new knowledge and experience base at the Lab and contribute to the thermal/mechanical aspects of future large scale instruments for fundamental and applied science.

4 State of the Art FEA measurement Structures Co-cured laminations Low density/ Hi-K Foam Analytical models

5 Capabilities for New Instruments New MaterialsNew Tools Demonstrators

6 New Materials Hollow ligand carbon foam: lower densities (Bill Miller talk Sept 12) Thermally loaded resins and adhesives for toughness, higher-K, crack resistance – Recent work has shown dramatic improvement in thermal conductivity with ~10% loading of nanoparticulates – Increased strength and temperature range helps performance of superconducting magnets. High temperature tolerant pre-pregs compatible with metal joining processes, and bake-out – Composite components for vacuum chambers and accelerators Advanced co-cured thermal/mechanical/electronic laminates Low background materials for 3D printing These topics require a variety of R&D activities including prototyping, process development, analysis and simulation, irradiation, and industrial partnerships

7 New Tools and Processes In order to create, understand, and quantify these new materials and in particular the resulting integrated structures, new tools will need to be explored. 3D metrology Acoustic microscopy Large area imaging and image analysis – (Brian Amadio talk Sept 12) Large area precision assembly High temperature/pressure processing Modeling and simulation formalism and codes

8 Demonstrators Sandwiched structures: staves, cylinders, sections with integrated cooling, heat transport, and electrical components Low density foam based support for gas flow cooling Composite vacuum vessels and beam pipes High K resins for high field superconductors and laminates Vessels and components for low background experiments Measurement and QC capabilities for large scale fabrication projects.

9 Tasks Task 1: Design/build/test staves with low density foam (PD, EG) Task 2: Develop polyimide matrix process (EG) Task 3: Design/build high temperature compatible “beamline” component prototype (EG/ALS/NGLS) Task 4: Study/feasibility of loaded resins, adhesives (PD,EG,MSD,MF) Task 5: Application of loaded resins to superconducting coils (EG,AFRD) Task 6: Gas cooling of foam structures (NSD,EG) Task 7: Research use of acoustic microscopy, samples studies (PD,EG) Task 8: 3D metrology study, determine useful tools/concepts (PD) Task 9: Precision/high speed inspection tools based upon custom image acquisition and analysis (PD) Task 10: Precision assembly and placement tools study (PD,NSD,EG) Task 11: Co-cure with embedded electronics (PD,EG) Task 12: Low background materials for 3D printing (NSD,PD,EG)

10 Connections Physics and NSD: Support structures for trackers at HL/HE-LHC, Liner Colliders, Electron-Ion Colliders. Vessels for low background experiments. AFRD: Potting materials for high field superconducting magnets NGLS/ALS: beam pipe structures for end-stations, beam dumps MSD/Molecular Foundry: nanoparticles for thermal loading; materials, dispersions, process development

11 Extra Slides

12 Example: Tasks 4-5 First phase would determine fillers and recipes Bulk samples would be made and tested for thermal conductivity and other properties Then apply to detector component fabrication prototypes Second phase would be to understand best choices for Supercon application Develop test process Create and test potted components and magnet

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