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Reading Theme 1 Review SAT Coach pages 46-48. Students need… markers and paddles or paper and pencils.

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Presentation on theme: "Reading Theme 1 Review SAT Coach pages 46-48. Students need… markers and paddles or paper and pencils."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reading Theme 1 Review SAT Coach pages 46-48

2 Students need… markers and paddles or paper and pencils

3 Characters To understand a story, you must understand its characters. Character traits are part of a character’s personality.

4 A character’s actions or behavior can reveal a lot of character traits. A character’s traits can also influence his or her behavior.

5 Understanding a character’s motivations- the reasons for his or her actions- it key to understanding why the character does what he or she does.

6 Let’s look at two examples of how traits, motivations, and behavior are connected…

7 Anna Trait She is shy. Motivation She wants to make friends. Behavior She quietly introduces herself to a classmate

8 Josephine Trait She is friendly. Motivation She wants Anna to feel more comfortable. Behavior She invites Anna over to her house.

9 Let’s read a short play and answer some questions.

10 A Bit Overboard Characters: Roxie: A girl from the city Alex: A boy from a town nearby A canoe race on a crystal clear mountain lake at summer camp.

11 ROXIE: Paddle faster! This scow is useless. Why did you have to pick the absolutely worst canoe in camp?

12 ALEX: Uh, I’m not sure it’s the canoe, really. You should know, those other guys are pretty good!

13 ROXIE: They may be good, but you’re just pitiful. I thought boys were supposed to be stronger that girls. Let’s go!

14 ALEX: I-I’m doing the best I can. If I pull too hard, we’ll just go in circles. We have to paddle with the same force t go straight, I think….Ummm, maybe we’ll paddle more evenly if I count aloud?

15 ROXIE: Counting won’t help! They’re beating us! I absolutely refuse to come in last. (She stands up.)

16 ALEX: Uh—Roxie, don’t— please, be careful. Remember what the counselors always tell us about boat safety…

17 ROXIE: I see two canoes behind us. Let’s move! (She starts to sit but slips and falls overboard.) HELP! Alex, help me!

18 ALEX: (trying not to giggle but failing) The-the water’s shallow. J-just stand up! (He holds out a paddle, which Roxie slaps away.)

19 ROXIE: That does it! (she wades awkwardly toward shore.) I’m calling my dad to come get me. This camp is the worst.

20 Discuss with a partner: How would you describe Roxie? How about Alex? What clues does the author give about their characters?

21 1. What is Roxie’s motivation in this scene? A She wants t hurt Alex’s feelings. B She wants to win the race. C She needs Alex’s attention. D She needs to learn a new skill.

22 2. What character trait does Roxie have that causes her to yell at Alex? A Enthusiasm B Sadness C Jealousy D. Bossiness

23 3. Which word best describes Alex? A Mild-mannered B Stubborn C Stuck-up D Immature

24 4. Which action tells you that Alex cares about what happens to Roxie? A He starts to count aloud. B He giggles when she falls in. C He paddles in circles. D he holds out a paddle

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