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Polymorphism. ArrayList boxbugs; ArrayList critters; ArrayList kingCrabs; ArrayList workerants; boxbugs.get(i).act(); critters.get(i).act(); kingCrabs.get(i).act();

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Presentation on theme: "Polymorphism. ArrayList boxbugs; ArrayList critters; ArrayList kingCrabs; ArrayList workerants; boxbugs.get(i).act(); critters.get(i).act(); kingCrabs.get(i).act();"— Presentation transcript:

1 Polymorphism

2 ArrayList boxbugs; ArrayList critters; ArrayList kingCrabs; ArrayList workerants; boxbugs.get(i).act(); critters.get(i).act(); kingCrabs.get(i).act(); workerants.get(i).act(); ArrayList actors; actors.get(i).act(); Java correctly decides which type of actor it is and calls the corresponding act() method. All actors act differently, even though they are all being stored as plain old Actors.

3 Actor Bug BoxBug ZBug Critter RockHound Actor a = new BoxBug(4); a.act(); act(); getActors() BoxBugs act() called Actor a = new RockHound(); a.getActors(); No getActors() method!!!! ERROR!!!

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