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Ms. Miller DVE. Please log in to your computer. Then, hands on your head, eyes on the board.

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Miller DVE. Please log in to your computer. Then, hands on your head, eyes on the board."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Miller DVE

2 Please log in to your computer. Then, hands on your head, eyes on the board.

3 Posture-Fingers Keep your fingers on their assigned home row keys. Fingers should be slightly curved with the pad of the finger square on each key

4 Posture-Elbows Keep your elbows close in, next to your side. Be relaxed, but don't slouch in your chair. Sit square in the chair with your feet flat on the floor.

5 Posture-Wrists Wrists should be slightly curved and off the bottom frame of the keyboard.

6 Home Row Left Hand ASDF Right Hand JKL;

7 Now you are ready to type! Typing Agent

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