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Different Types Of Seed Dispersal

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1 Different Types Of Seed Dispersal
By Group 6 Ruth, Joanne, Danish and Nirupan

2 Introduction Plants, unlike humans, have many different types of reproduction methods: seeds, spores, stem cutting and more. We will explain to you about different types of reproduction methods other than seeds. - Listen closely as there will be prizes at the end.

3 Reproduction by spores
Unlike seeds, spores are an asexual method of reproduction in plants. Scientists believe that, at one time, all plants were actually spore-bearing. However, plants began to form seeds rather than spores. Primitive plants such as mosses, algae and ferns now rely on spores to reproduce.

4 Layering These plants produce long, drooping canes. When the canes make contact with the soil, they Begin to take root and form new plants. Example of plants which uses this technic: Blackberries and multiflora roses

5 Budding A bud like outgrowth is formed on one side of the parent cell and soon it separates and grows into a new plant. Example of plant that uses this technic: yeast

6 Vegetative reproduction
Many plants have the ability for vegetative propagation. Meristematic cells capable of cellular differentiation are present in many plant tissues. This is a mulberry tree that reproduces by the process of vegetative propagationvegetative propagation.

7 Suckers Some plants produce new plant shoots from their root systems.
This form of vegetative reproduction is called suckering. The new shoots are called suckers. Banana trees reproduce by suckers.

8 Grafting A form of asexual plant propagation.
Consists of connecting two pieces of living plant tissue in a way that allows the parts to grow and develop as a single plant. A piece of stem or shoot with dormant buds, known as the scion, is the part that will grow and develop with branches.

9 Plantlets and Growth From Damage
Plantlets are new, small plants that grow on the leaf edges of a parent plant. Duckweed reproduces by plantlets. Growth from Damage Tree stumps often produce new shoots; broken leaves can also take root.

10 Runners Plants like strawberry produce stems that grow along the ground, creating new plants at intervals along the runner, complete with roots and leaves. The runners are also called stolons. Strawberry plant

11 Stem Cutting Forcing a cutting to produce roots is the most common method of propagation. This method can used on leaves or stems, depending on the type of plant. This method usually works better with herbaceous plants but can be successful with woody plants as well. This is a geranium that reproduces by stem cutting.

12 Quiz Time!!! Q1) What is another name for runners? Ans: Stolons Q2) Is spores a sexual or asexual way of reproducing? Ans: asexual reproduction Q3) How do duckweeds reproduce? Ans: Plantlets

13 Conclusion In conclusion, there are many types of reproduction methods for plants. For example, spores, stem cutting etc.

14 Credits and Sources Wikipedia,,, Google and Yahoo Tom Clark, Mount Holyoke College Botanic Garden, Horticulture Identification and Judging Contest, Plant Propagation


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