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Parthenon Metope 29 The 29th metope of the South side of the Parthenon, on the Acropolis in Athens.

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Presentation on theme: "Parthenon Metope 29 The 29th metope of the South side of the Parthenon, on the Acropolis in Athens."— Presentation transcript:

1 parthenon Metope 29 The 29th metope of the South side of the Parthenon, on the Acropolis in Athens

2 Facts Marble Parthenon South Metope 447-432BC (high classical)
1.35m tall Part of the Centauromachy Metope

3 The Story The Lapiths were an ancient greek tribe
They lived by the forest There were centaurs in the forest There was a Lapith wedding, they invited the centaurs

4 The story, cont. The centaurs had never had wine They got hammered
So they abducted the lapith women And raped them all The men tried to stop them

5 What does it mean? The story shows how violent and ruthless and uncivilised the centaurs were- effectively abusing the Lapith’s Xenia This shows civilisation vs. savages- a common theme in greek mythology The lapiths win- thus civilisation > savagery

6 ANalysis

7 Attention drawn to the right hand side- leading onto next metope
Ugly centaur Detailed horse Human bit is not heroic at all

8 drapery Illusionary transparency Left breast exposed- partial nudity
Modelling line Motion lines


10 Position on the temple 14m up in the air
The metopes were separated by triglyphs You wouldn’t see what was going on Be looking up at it from a distance It could have been terrible and no one would have cared The detail and effort put into it shows how much the Athenians valued religion, art and architecture, and how they liked to show off

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