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Mr. Calella American Studies I (Honors) & Honors U.S. I.

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1 Mr. Calella American Studies I (Honors) & Honors U.S. I

2  Students will be able to understand the pros and cons of a country expanding its borders.  Students will be able to understand the effect of “manifest destiny” upon both the nation’s growth and other people already living in the west.

3  EXPANSION & CONFLICT  Why do countries expand their borders? Pros and cons of doing so? PROSCONS

4  DEFINITION: U.S. destiny to expand from Atlantic to Pacific Ocean  John L. O’Sullivan quote  “manifest” means obvious  Many Americans held this belief  Expansion fever hit in the 1840s  Why do you think that Americans felt that this destiny was obvious?  Why do you think people moved west?  How would you feel if you were Mexican or Native American?


6  Why did Native Americans want to prevent settlers from pushing west?  How did settlers and gov’t justify taking Indian land?  Whites’ effect on Indians (CONFLICT)  Took, stole, tricked to get land  Disease (small pox, measles, flu, cholera)  Extermination  Alcohol  Sport killing of buffalo

7  Early 1830s, settlers in Iowa & Illinois pressuring Indians west of Mississippi R.  Chief Black Hawk starts a war in Wisconsin Territory to end this push  Lost war and many of his people killed  His people forced further west  READ ALOUD Black Hawk’s Farewell Speech, THEN PAIR UP FOR DISCUSSION QUESTIONS-on wiki page

8  Fort Laramie Treaty  To avoid further conflict peace conference held  Between whites and Plains Tribes (Cheyenne, Sioux, Crow)  Indians given land in Central Plains and they agreed not to attack settlers  Why and how was the land important to Native Americans? How is land ownership important today?

9  Pioneers followed trails made by Indians, traders and fur trappers  “Jumping Off Point”-Independence, Missouri  The Santa Fe Trail  Missouri to New Mexico  Trade Trail  800 miles, 3 months in covered wagons  Why do you think wagons traveled in groups?

10  The Oregon Trail (Read Aloud page 110)  Missouri to Oregon (same as L&C)  Cholera, accidents, and buffalo dung  Used wagons, but most walked  What would you bring?  What dangers/hardships did they face?  The Mormon Migration  Started in NY and moved west to escape religious persecution  Moved to get religious freedom  Ended up near Great Salt Lake in present-day Utah


12  U.S. and England jointly holding Oregon Territory  England agrees to give Oregon to U.S.  Northern boundary kept at 49 degrees latitude from Rocky Mountains to Puget Sound

13  Refer back to the Manifest Destiny Visual Handout and answer the “prediction” question  Discussion to follow

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