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DSCYF Curriculum Frameworks Educational Excellence for Every Student, Every Day!

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1 DSCYF Curriculum Frameworks Educational Excellence for Every Student, Every Day!

2 Agenda Anticipation Guide Overview Rationale Intake Placement in Class Instruction/Writing across Content Areas On-going RTI Monitoring Employability Skills Transition Review Anticipation Guide Data Driven Decision-Making

3 Overview The Curriculum Frameworks for Learning and Employment was first implemented in June of 2008. This framework was chosen based on current research of the diagnostic intervention model. The process is driven by individual student need as determined by ongoing performance on efficient and easily administered progress-monitoring measures. These measures provide an estimate of students’ response to effective instruction. For students who respond less than adequately, increasingly intense instruction/intervention is available within this model. Instruction Monitoring Employment Transition Successful Outcomes Intake Placement

4 Rationale The process allows educators to improvement in meeting the needs of all students, including the gifted and talented. The process enables educators, parents and students to work as a team to solve difficult academic issues. The process assists the team in meeting the over-arching goal of successful transitions. “The systematic assessment of student learning outcomes is essential to monitoring quality and providing the information that leads to improvement.” -Middle States Standard XIV Curriculum Frameworks

5 Intake Transition planning begins on first day. ED requests records, reviews records/IEP and assessments, identifies instructional needs and goals, and presents information during EPT meeting (5 days) ED completes credit recovery form/transcript and student questionnaire (5 days) Administer pre-test –BASI (3 days) Educators administer secondary testing and curriculum-based measures –GATES/SAXON (10 days) Student immediately placed into programming

6 Placement in Class BASI outcomes verified by secondary tests (10 days) Educators develop objectives/benchmarks so students are able to reach goals set by ED (10 days) EPT Team meets weekly to review data, prioritize student needs and adjust instruction/interventions All team members provide evidence of student growth/progress ED/Principal chairs the meeting ED/EPT Team discusses plan with student

7 Instruction Educators provide standards-based instruction with scaffolds as needed. Units developed via Learning-Focused planning process. Educators/ED’s provide necessary interventions Educators integrate writing and literacy instruction across all content areas On-going formative and summative assessments are conducted Scaffold Ideas:

8 Progress-Monitoring All members collect evidence of student progress and review during EPT meeting. Every student should be reviewed monthly. EPT members continue to meet weekly and make necessary modifications to student’s education plan. ED/EPT Team continues to discuss education plan with students. Adjust instruction/interventions to meet needs of the student. (Introduce tier II or tier III interventions if student is not progressing) Sample EPTSample EPT

9 Employability Skills ED’s/Educators will assist students in completing Student Success Plans Work experiences and job search training are provided to students who are not returning to school. ED”s/Educators assist students in completing portfolios (30 days) ED’s complete necessary DVR referrals

10 Transition Transition Coordinator, ED, Guidance Counselors complete the transition process with students. (scheduling and conducting meetings, updating transcripts, preparing student for meetings, etc.) ED administers the BASI posttest and documents progress ED provides receiving school/organization with appropriate records necessary for a successful transition

11 Consistent Use of these Practices Leads to:

12 Practical PLC’s PLC’s & RTI - Success StoriesSuccess Stories

13 Knock

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