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Showcase of work with SCQFP and Alliance of Sector Skills Councils in Scotland Nicola McLelland Research and Policy Manager Alliance of Sector Skills.

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2 Showcase of work with SCQFP and Alliance of Sector Skills Councils in Scotland Nicola McLelland Research and Policy Manager Alliance of Sector Skills Councils, Scotland


4 SSCs are independent, employer led organisations designed to build a skills system driven by employer demand Four Key Goals: –Reduce skills gaps and shortages –Improve productivity, business and public service performance –Increase opportunities to boost the skills and productivity of everyone in the sector's workforce –Improve learning supply including Apprenticeships, Higher Education and National Occupational Standards (NOS) Together, the SSCs cover approximately 90% of the UK workforce ROLE OF SECTOR SKILLS COUNCILS

5 ALLIANCE OF SECTOR SKILLS COUNCILS Act as the collective voice of the Sector Skills Councils Support SSCs to help raise their capacity, capability and performance Develop and maintain effective relationships across the skills and employment system Support SSCs as the authoritative voice on Labour Market Intelligence (LMI) Assist SSCs with their unique role in ensuring that standards and qualifications meet employers’ needs Support the provision of sectoral careers information, advice and guidance Demonstrating and raising awareness of the value added by SSC work

6 SCQFP AND ALLIANCE PROJECTS Project 1 - Development of Sector Guidance on SCQF for Employers Five SSCs involved - Proskills, People 1 st, Scottish Social Services Council, Semta and Improve Ltd SCQF Partnership recently published generic guidance for employers on how to use the SCQF as a tool for effective recruitment, skills development and skills utilisation SSCs have taken the SCQF generic guidance for employers and are giving it a sectoral focus for their employers

7 SCQFP AND ALLIANCE PROJECTS Project 2 - Credit Rating of Employer Provision Three SSCs involved - SkillsActive, Improve Ltd and Proskills SCQF allows qualifications and learning programmes to be more easily understood and compared It facilitates the recognition of prior learning (RPL) and the transfer of credit from one learning programme to another SSCs are undertaking work to promote the benefits to employers within their sector of having their own learning provision credit rated into the Framework and to understand the positive effects this can have on their organisations and employees

8 Alliance of Sector Skills Councils, Scotland 28 Castle Street Edinburgh EH2 3HT E-mail: Call: 0131 226 7726 Browse:

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