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Notes: Font Size: Title Headings on landing pages are Justified at the top center Arial point 30 bolded, color blue font. Sub Text – Arial point 12, color.

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Presentation on theme: "Notes: Font Size: Title Headings on landing pages are Justified at the top center Arial point 30 bolded, color blue font. Sub Text – Arial point 12, color."— Presentation transcript:

1 Notes: Font Size: Title Headings on landing pages are Justified at the top center Arial point 30 bolded, color blue font. Sub Text – Arial point 12, color black Layout- basic website theme Button – Job Aid Graphic: PowerPoint Logo. Thick, double line border, black. Background: color white and grey Navigation – Next button Dark grey, white letter, Arial 14 font bold. Animation (yes or no): No Text/Audio Narration: Title: New Hire PowerPoint Training Scene (Opening Page) Graphics (yes or no) : Yes Audio (yes or no): No Slide number: 1 Skill or Concept: Tutorial Training A current problem affecting financial call centers is the adherence to the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) enforcement of a clean desk policy. This mandate does not permit employees to have pens or paper in the work environment, to prevent employee negligence of exposing customer personal and confidential information. This mandate has increased the need for employees to rely on electronic resources to build collaborative work and notes during new hire training. It has been observed that some new hire employees lack the basic knowledge and skills to effectively use Microsoft PowerPoint to create collaborative work during training. Recent training class surveys support quantitative data that very few new hire employees are proficient in PowerPoint knowledge. Instructor 2014 observations support several incidents of new hire employees who will disengage in collaborative work, and pass the creation task off to employees who are proficient in PowerPoint. Students must be proficient in PowerPoint knowledge to be able to create collaborative work during training class with 90% accuracy. This web-based tutorial will provide new hire employees with a new skill to apply immediately. This knowledge will improve the collaborative workload to be shared equally among students during training and remain compliant with CFPB. This is information is for administration only and is hidden from view of the new hire employee.

2 Notes: Font Size: Title Headings on landing pages are Justified at the top center Arial point 30 bolded, color blue font. Sub Text – Arial point 18, color black Layout- basic website theme. Two text boxes for landing page and to add navigational button. Graphic: PowerPoint Logo. Thick, double line border, black. Background: color white and grey Navigation Buttons: there are two. New to PowerPoint Click Here – links to an online PowerPoint 2010 job aid with additional images and step by step instruction. Click Here to Begin! – Acts as navigational and instructional guidance to begin the tutorial and launches the next subject in sequential order. Interactivity: Menu Buttons located at the top of the WBT screen and are listed as Welcome, What is a PowerPoint?, Create a Presentation, Images and Animations, Assessment, and Survey Title Menu Buttons - are centered as Arial point 14, bolded, and color white. When a button is selected it will highlight the button background color as black. Only one button may be selected at any given time. Sub category buttons - will layer underneath each button cascading as separate pages, Arial point 14, bolded, and color white. When user rolls mouse over subcategory button the white letters will highlight in blue. When the user clicks on button it will launch a new page of information. See example picture. Transition - Next, Back, & Let’s Begin buttons: Push to allow students to practice Navigation and to push forward to the next PowerPoint section by clicking on “Let’s Begin!” button. Button: Job Aid will like to Microsoft Office 2010 job aid tool. Informational Text: Employee will read the welcome and tutorial overview and advise new PowerPoint users to click on the “Job Aid” button to print out prior to starting the WBT. See image above for text, PowerPoint logo, and Job Aid button Training Goal Upon completion of the CSCC New Hire PowerPoint Fundamentals web-based tutorial employees are required to create a PowerPoint presentation from a blank template, and upload this template to the instructor for a final grade. Goals left justified with Learning Objectives bullet points justify right of image New title: Learning Objectives Learning Goals: Upon completion of the tutorial New Hire employees will be able to describe what a PowerPoint is with 90% accuracy. Upon completion of the tutorial New Hire employees will be able to name three PowerPoint presentation template benefits with 90% accuracy. Upon completion of the tutorial New Hire employees will be able to create a presentation using a blank Microsoft PowerPoint template, insert slides, add text to slides, and save the template with 90% accuracy. Upon completion of the tutorial New Hire employees will be able to demonstrate how to add basic pictures, clip art, and animation to a PowerPoint presentation with 90% accuracy. New Title: Navigational Tour Informational text: There are two buttons that will help guide you through the tutorial. The "Next" button will advance you to the next lesson in sequential order. The "Back" button will take you back to the previous learning lesson. thumbs up Employee will click on the “Next” button which will take the employee to a hidden screen with a thumbs up image congratulating them on successful mouse click and then will provide the “Back” button to return to the Welcome screen. Directions will invite the learner to click the “Let’s Begin” button to start the WBT. Directional instructions on the WBT are listed below: Practice: It’s your turn! Please practice by clicking on the "Next" button below. goals man icon Informational text: Further instruction will alert the employee that they have successfully clicked on the hidden screen and mouse clicked on the “Back” button successfully. Next steps will invite the employee to mouse click on the “Let’s Begin” button to start the WBT. Animation (yes or no): No Text/Audio Narration: Title: New Hire PowerPoint Training Scene Training Goal Graphics (yes or no) : yes Audio (yes or no): No Slide number: 2 Skill or Concept: Tutorial Training

3 Notes : Font Size: Title Headings on landing pages are Justified at the top center Arial point 30 bolded, color blue font. Sub-Heading – Arial point Sub Text – Arial point 12, color black Layout- basic website theme. Two text boxes for landing page and to add navigational button. Graphic: PowerPoint Logo. Thick, double line border, black. Background: color white and grey Navigation Buttons: there are two. New to PowerPoint Click Here – links to an online PowerPoint 2010 job aid with additional images and step by step instruction. Click Here to Begin! – Acts as navigational and instructional guidance to begin the tutorial and launches the next subject in sequential order. Interactivity: Menu Buttons located at the top of the WBT screen and are listed as Welcome, What is a PowerPoint?, Create a Presentation, Images and Animations, Assessment, and Survey. Title Menu Buttons - are centered as Arial point 14, bolded, and color white. When a button is selected it will highlight the button background color as black. Only one button may be selected at any given time. Sub category buttons - will layer underneath each button cascading as separate pages, Arial point 14, bolded, and color white. When user rolls mouse over subcategory button the white letters will highlight in blue. When the user clicks on button it will launch a new page of information. See example picture. Transition- Push by clicking on “Next” button, or visit previous lesson and click on “Back” button. Animation (yes or no): No Text/Audio Narration: Title: New Hire PowerPoint Training Scene What is a PowerPoint? Graphics (yes or no) : Yes Audio (yes or no): No Slide number: 3 Skill or Concept: Tutorial Training Informational Text: What is a PowerPoint? PowerPoint Logo to justify right of the slide What is a PowerPoint? A Microsoft PowerPoint software groups together information on slides to form a presentation. A PowerPoint template is the design style that will form the slide layout. The PowerPoint presentation template contains thematic elements to customize the presentation layout, color, font type and size. What are the benefits to use PowerPoint? PowerPoint presentation image. PowerPoint is a popular presentation software because it provides many useful benefits. Ability to add custom animation effects Many content options to insert images, documents, and multimedia You may create your own custom template Share templates with others because they are reusable

4 Notes: Font Size: Sub-Heading – 18 point, Arial, blue font, bold default. This is a no header page and launches when the user clicks on the Next button from the previous section “Create a Presentation.” Sub Text – Arial point 12, color black Layout- basic website theme. Two text boxes for landing page and to add navigational button. Graphic: PowerPoint Job Aid with instructional arrows and bold orange split-attention effect used to highlight directional cues. Second graphic is what a blank PPT image will look like after performing steps in the application. Background: color white and grey Navigation Buttons: there are two. New to PowerPoint Click Here – links to an online PowerPoint 2010 job aid with additional images and step by step instruction. Click Here to Begin! – Acts as navigational and instructional guidance to begin the tutorial and launches the next subject in sequential order. Interactivity: Menu Buttons located at the top of the WBT screen and are listed as Welcome, What is a PowerPoint?, Create a Presentation, Images and Animations, Assessment, and Survey. Title Menu Buttons - are centered as Arial point 14, bolded, and color white. When a button is selected it will highlight the button background color as black. Only one button may be selected at any given time. Sub category buttons - will layer underneath each button cascading as separate pages, Arial point 14, bolded, and color white. When user rolls mouse over subcategory button the white letters will highlight in blue. When the user clicks on button it will launch a new page of information. See example picture. Transition- The user will click on the “Next” button to continue to the next lesson “Insert a New Slide.” 14 font bold. “Back” button is available to return to previous lesson at top of page. Animation (yes or no):no Text/Audio Narration: Title: New Hire PowerPoint Training Scene How to create a PowerPoint from a blank presentation Graphics (yes or no) : Yes Audio (yes or no): No Slide number: 4 Skill or Concept: Tutorial Training Instructional goal: New Hire employees will be able to demonstrate the steps how to create a PowerPoint from a blank presentation, insert slides, add text to slides, and save the presentation Title: Create a Presentation PowerPoint logo Title: Create a PowerPoint from a blank template Informational Text: Listed below are the action steps you must follow to create your PowerPoint from a blank presentation. 1. Click the File tab. This takes you to Backstage view. 2. Select New. 3. Select Blank presentation under Available Templates and Themes. It will be highlighted by default. 4. Click Create. A new blank presentation appears in the PowerPoint window. PowerPoint Job Aid with instructional arrows and bold orange split-attention effect used to highlight directional sections. PowerPoint snapshot of a new blank PowerPoint template. Informational text below image: Click on the image to enlarge view. Note: To save time, you can create your presentation from an template, which you can also select under Available Templates and Themes. coach Practice! It's your turn! Please practice opening up a blank PowerPoint presentation using the steps above.

5 Notes: Font Size: Title Sub Headings18 point, Arial, blue font, bold default. This is a no header page and launches when the user clicks on the Next button from the previous section “Create a PowerPoint from a blank Presentation.” Sub Text – Arial point 12, color black Layout- basic website theme. Graphic: PowerPoint Job Aid with instructional arrows and bold orange split-attention effect used to highlight directional cues. Background: color white and grey Sub category buttons - will layer underneath each button cascading as separate pages, Arial point 14, bolded, and color white. When user rolls mouse over subcategory button the white letters will highlight in blue. When the user clicks on button it will launch a new page of information. See example picture. Transition: Push. User will manually click the “Next” button to continue to the menu section “Adding Text to a slide.” Animation (yes or no):no Text/Audio Narration: Title: New Hire PowerPoint Training Scene Insert a New Slide Graphics (yes or no) : Yes Audio (yes or no): No Slide number: 5 Skill or Concept: Tutorial Training Title: Insert a New Slide Informational Text: Listed below are the action steps you must follow to insert a new slide into your PowerPoint presentation. To insert a new slide into your presentation, please perform the following: 1. Right-click on the left panel New Slide thumbnail. This will populate the shortcut menu to select commands. 2. Use commands on the shortcut menu and select the New Slide command with your mouse and click to add a slide. Repeat to create additional slides or you may also choose additional commands to delete, design, or choose the slide’s layout. PowerPoint Job Aid with instructional arrows, red outline, and orange split-attention effect to differentiate navigation action steps. coach Practice! It's your turn! Please practice inserting three new slides into your blank PowerPoint presentation using the steps above.

6 Notes: Font Size: Title Sub Headings 18 point, Arial, blue font, bold default. This is a no header page and launches when the user clicks on the Next button from the previous section “Create a PowerPoint from a blank Presentation.” Sub Text – Arial point 12, color black Layout- basic website theme. Small space between to two text boxes cascade on top of each other. Text box 2 will begin the instructions for Add Text to a New Slide. Graphic: PowerPoint Job Aid of placeholder and default title and content slides. Third graphic is an example slide shot of the instructions for step #3. Background: color white and grey Sub category buttons - will layer underneath each button cascading as separate pages, Arial point 14, bolded, and color white. When user rolls mouse over subcategory button the white letters will highlight in blue. When the user clicks on button it will launch a new page of information. See example picture. Transition: Push. User will manually click the “Next” button to continue to the menu section “Save your PPT.” Animation (yes or no):no Text/Audio Narration: Title: New Hire PowerPoint Training Scene Insert text on a new slide Graphics (yes or no) : Yes Audio (yes or no): No Slide number: 6 Skill or Concept: Tutorial Training Title: Insert text on a new slide Informational Text: Listed below are the action steps you must follow to insert text in the fields found within your PowerPoint slides. Add text to a placeholder field on the Master slide Upon launching a PowerPoint template the presentation will automatically insert a Master slide that allows you to add the title of your presentation. In the image below, the dotted border represents a placeholder to insert the Title text or name of your presentation. To add text to a placeholder on a Master slide, please perform the following: 1.Right-click your cursor inside the placeholder, and then type or paste your text. 2.Next, click to add today’s date in “Click to add subtitle” field. Practice by typing the words “Type text here” and then hit the “enter” key.. Note: If your text exceeds the size of the placeholder, Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 reduces the font size and line spacing incrementally as you type to make the text fit. PowerPoint master slide place holder with dotted border. Left justify next to the instructions text box. coach Practice! It's your turn! Please practice adding text in the “Title text” placeholder field. Use your first name as the Title. Next, click to add today’s date in “Click to add subtitle” field. Add Text to a content slide PowerPoint automatically defaults the “Title and Bullets” layout for all subsequent slides that are inserted behind the Master slide. However, you may choose other slide layouts in place of the default slide shown below. PowerPoint default slide image To insert text on a new content slide you will perform the following steps. 1.Click your mouse on the “Click to add title” section located at the top of the slide. As you click into the section type or paste your text. You will notice the directional words will disappear and your text will populate. 2.Next, right-click in the larger text box field located under the title box. As you begin to type or paste text the directional words “Click to add text” will disappear displaying only the text you add. coach Practice! It's your turn! 1. Please practice adding text in the “Click to add title” placeholder field. Use your first name as the Title. 2. Next, right-click into the “Click to add text” field. Type your first and last name and hit the “enter” key. Repeat two more times to complete three rows of bullet point text. See image. PowerPoint slide image with directional steps from step 3.

7 Notes: Font Size: Title Sub Headings 18 point, Arial, blue font, bold default. This is a no header page and launches when the user clicks on the Next button from the previous section “Create a PowerPoint from a blank Presentation.” Sub Text – Arial point 12, color black Layout- basic website theme. Small space between to two text boxes cascade on top of each other. Text box 2 will begin the instructions for Add Text to a New Slide. Graphic: 4 PowerPoint Instructional images to create visual simulation for Save a presentation. 4 PowerPoint Instructional images to simulate the steps for the Let’s Practice. 1 graphic of the Send as Attachment icon. Background: color white and grey Sub category buttons - will layer underneath each button cascading as separate pages, Arial point 14, bolded, and color white. When user rolls mouse over subcategory button the white letters will highlight in blue. When the user clicks on button it will launch a new page of information. See example picture. Transition: Push. User will manually click the “Next” button to continue to the menu section “Save your PPT.” Animation (yes or no):no Text/Audio Narration: Title: New Hire PowerPoint Training Scene Save and Email a presentation Graphics (yes or no) : Yes Audio (yes or no): No Slide number: 7 Skill or Concept: Tutorial Training Title: Saving Your PowerPoint Informational Text: Saving your PowerPoint is the most important step when building your presentation slides. Listed below are the action steps you must follow to save your work in PowerPoint. To save your PowerPoint presentation, perform the following: 1.Click the File tab, and then click Save As. Image 1.1. PowerPoint image of action step #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 2.In the File name box, type a name for your PowerPoint presentation, and then click Save. See image 1.1 3.By default, PowerPoint 2010 saves files in the PowerPoint Presentation (.pptx) file format. See image 1.2 4.To save your presentation in a format other than.pptx, click the Save as type list by clicking on the drop down arrow, and then select the file format that you want. See image 1.3. 5.Select the Save as type: PowerPoint Presentation.(*.ppt) and click with your cursor to select “Desktop” from the left hand panel. Next, Click the Save button. See image 1.4. 6.Your document will be saved as an icon on your desktop. See image 1.5 PPT Icon saved to desktop image with instructional comments that speak to the icon display when you right click your mouse on it. coach Practice! It's your turn! Please practice saving your PowerPoint presentation using the steps and images above. Please complete the following actions : 1.First change the File name: field to reflect your first name.pptx. Note: See my example Image 1.2 where I typed my first name and.pptx (Denise.ppt). 2.Next in the Save as type: field select file type PowerPoint Presentation. (*.ppt). 3.Next, click the Save button. 4.Your document may want to automatically save to your C: Drive, but you can choose from the left hand panel where you would like to place your file. For this training you will Click on the word “Desktop”. This will save your PowerPoint to your desktop on your computer. Informational Text: If you right click on the PowerPoint Icon it will display the version, size, date last modified, and number of slides it contains. Not done yet! Now let’s learn how to add some images and animation. Click “Next” to continue.

8 Notes: Font Size: Title Headings on landing pages are Justified at the top center Arial point 30 bolded, color blue font. Sub headings are Arial 18 point, black, bold. Sub Text – Arial point 12, color black Layout- basic website theme. Two text boxes for landing page and to add navigational button. Graphic: PowerPoint Logo. Thick, double line border, black. Background: color white and grey Navigation Buttons: there are two. New to PowerPoint Click Here – links to an online PowerPoint 2010 job aid with additional images and step by step instruction. Click Here to Begin! – Acts as navigational and instructional guidance to begin the tutorial and launches the next subject in sequential order. Interactivity: Menu Buttons located at the top of the WBT screen and are listed as Welcome, What is a PowerPoint?, Create a Presentation, Images and Animations, Assessment, and Survey Title Menu Buttons - are centered as Arial point 14, bolded, and color white. When a button is selected it will highlight the button background color as black. Only one button may be selected at any given time. Sub category buttons - will layer underneath each button cascading as separate pages, Arial point 14, bolded, and color white. When user rolls mouse over subcategory button the white letters will highlight in blue. When the user clicks on button it will launch a new page of information. See example picture. Transition- Push to What is a PowerPoint section by clicking on “Next” button. Animation (yes or no): No Text/Audio Narration: Title: New Hire PowerPoint Training Scene Images and Animation Graphics (yes or no) : Yes Audio (yes or no): No Slide number: 8 Skill or Concept: Tutorial Training Title Heading: Images and Animation Informational Text: Employee will read the Images and Animation introduction and tutorial overview. Learning Objectives: Upon completion of the tutorial New Hire employees will be able to demonstrate how to add basic clip art and animation to a PowerPoint presentation with 90% accuracy. Small space to separate landing page text box and instructional text box for the instructions below. Insert a Picture Follow the steps below to insert a picture that is stored on your computer. 1.On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Picture. Picture left justify 2.Locate the picture that you want to insert. For example, you might have a picture file located in Documents. 3.Double-click the picture that you want to insert. Insert Clip Art Follow the steps below to insert clip art to your slide. 1.On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Clip Art. Clip Art left justify 2.In the Clip Art task pane, in the Search for text box, type a word or phrase that describes the clip art that you want, or type in all or some of the file name of the clip art. 3.Click Go, and then in the list of results, click the clip art to insert it into your document. Note: When you search for clip art and pictures online, you'll be directed to Bing. You're responsible for respecting copyright, and the license filter in Bing. goals left justify Practice! It's your turn! Please practice inserting clip art into your presentation. Use the keyword "happy face" to insert a smiley happy face from the Illustrations group, and choose clip art. Select two different smiley faces to insert clip art on two of your slides. Don't forget to save your presentation to keep your clip art attached to your slides.

9 Notes: Font Size: Title Sub Headings 18 point, Arial, blue font, bold default. This is a no header page and launches when the user clicks on the Next button from the previous section “Create a PowerPoint from a blank Presentation.” Sub Text – Arial point 12, color black Layout- basic website theme. Small space between to two text boxes cascade on top of each other. Text box 2 will begin the instructions for Add Text to a New Slide. Graphic: Nature free image from Background: color white and grey Sub category buttons - will layer underneath each button cascading as separate pages, Arial point 14, bolded, and color white. When user rolls mouse over subcategory button the white letters will highlight in blue. When the user clicks on button it will launch a new page of information. See example picture. Interactivity- Click on the Apply entrance and exit animation effects button to launch video. Imbedded link: us/article/Animation-basics-for-your-presentation- 4fbc7d35-3548-431a-a871- 709945f9352c?videoid=b53838d1-1c3b-4b1a- b242-2fcb8da07566&from=sharepermalink-link us/article/Animation-basics-for-your-presentation- 4fbc7d35-3548-431a-a871- 709945f9352c?videoid=b53838d1-1c3b-4b1a- b242-2fcb8da07566&from=sharepermalink-link Transition: Push. User will manually click the “Next” button to continue to the menu section “Save your PPT.” Animation (yes or no):no Text/Audio Narration: Title: New Hire PowerPoint Training Scene Adding Text to your slides Graphics (yes or no) : Yes Audio (yes or no): No Slide number: 9 Skill or Concept: Tutorial Training Title: Adding Animation Informational Text: Adding animation can add style and visual interest to add excitement and accentuate key topics. By the end of this lesson we will be able to apply entrance and exit animation effects, and apply motion paths to text or an object. Please watch the two short videos listed below that you will launch by clicking on the hyperlinks below. The links will take you to the Microsoft Office Animation basics for your presentation website. Here the website will contain step by step instructions, links to additional animation steps that you may refer to in the future. The purpose of our training will center around the two themes of applying entrance and exit animations, and motion paths to our PowerPoint presentations only. As you continue your knowledge with PowerPoint, please feel free to go back to this website in the future to learn more about animations. Title: Accessing the video links instructions There are two ways to access the video links for this lesson. 1.Cut and paste the entire hyperlink and place into your internet browser and click enter. 2.Highlight the entire hyperlink select the second option under Copy Go to See image. Accessing video links Title: Apply entrance and exit animation effects Animation basics for your presentation Imbedded lInk Apply entrance and exit animation effects Title: Apply a motion path to text or objects Animation basics for your presentation Apply a motion path to text or an object coach Practice! It's your turn! Informational text: Please add one entrance and one exit animation to any bullet point text found in your presentation. Last, apply one motion path to text or an object. When you have finished please click on “Next.”

10 Notes: Font Size: Title Headings on landing pages are Justified at the top center Arial point 30 bolded, color blue font. Sub-Heading – Arial point Sub Text – Arial point 12, color black Layout- basic website theme. Two text boxes for landing page and to add navigational button. Graphic: PowerPoint Logo. Thick, double line border, black. Background: color white and grey Navigation Buttons: there are two. Click Here to Begin! – Acts as navigational and instructional guidance to begin the tutorial and launches the next subject in sequential order. Interactivity: Menu Buttons located at the top of the WBT screen and are listed as Poll: Poll question instructions are in Arial blue color, 14 point font with key directional words in bold type. Poll Daddy is the poll generator that works within the application. Results can be viewed by the instructor and this verbiage will be invisible to the end user in the publish version Congratulations! Upload your PowerPoint nature free image Informational text: You have completed the CSCC New Hire PowerPoint Fundamentals web-based training. As a requirement of attending this course you will need to complete the form below with the following information: Enter your First and Last Name Type your Email address Upload your PowerPoint presentation by clicking on "Choose File" and select the PowerPoint file that should be named your first name.pptx (Ex: Denise.pptx). *Note: Grades will be returned within 72 hours to the Email you provide below. Informational Text: “Thank you. Your submission has been received,” message will appear after the employee fills out the form and uploads the PowerPoint presentation successfully. Informational Text: Next, complete the knowledge check by clicking on the “Assessent” button. Animation (yes or no): No Text/Audio Narration: Title:CSCC New Hire PowerPoint Training Scene Upload your PowerPoint Presentation Graphics (yes or no) : Yes Audio (yes or no): No Slide number: 10 Skill or Concept: Tutorial Training

11 Notes: Font Size: Title Headings on landing pages are Justified at the top center Arial point 30 bolded, color blue font. Sub-Heading – Arial point Sub Text – Arial point 12, color black Layout- basic website theme. Two text boxes for landing page and to add navigational button. Graphic: Nature free image Background: color white and grey Navigation Buttons:Survey – push to final learning segment to receive employee feedback. Interactivity: Menu Buttons located at the top of the WBT screen and are listed as Welcome, What is a PowerPoint?, Create a Presentation, Images and Animation, more… Poll: Poll question instructions are in Arial blue color, 14 point font with key directional words in bold type. Poll Daddy is the poll generator that works within the application. Results can be viewed by the instructor and this verbiage will be invisible to the end user in the publish version Assessment Informational text: You will answer by selecting the radio button the best answer to the six questions listed below. The purpose of the assessment is to measure your mastery of PowerPoint fundamentals. Assessment questions will be poll question format using for easy access to return Employee grade and score upon completion of the test. Also, the instructor can go to the site to pull a report on all assessments taken and how many times they took it. Assessment questions: 1.In your own words please describe what is a PowerPoint presentation? A Microsoft PowerPoint software groups together information on slides to form a presentation 2.What are three benefits that PowerPoint template provides? Blank, custom design, reusable/share 3.What is the most important step when building a PowerPoint presentation? Save the PPT 4.True or False. To alter how your selected text animates, you must click on the Effect Options and then click to choose a type of animation? 5.Animation that bounce on the screen, turn, or swivel is an example of __________? Motion paths 6.Today we learned how to create a practice PowerPoint presentation from which of the following: 1.Professional template 2.Customize Theme template 3.Blank template 4.Microsoft OfficeTemplate Informational text: When you are done with the assessment click “Survey” to provide us your feedback. Animation (yes or no): No Text/Audio Narration: Title:CSCC New Hire PowerPoint Training Scene Assessment Graphics (yes or no) : Yes Audio (yes or no): No Slide number: 11 Skill or Concept: Tutorial Training

12 Notes: Buttons: There are 4 Title Menu buttons at top of slide listed as: Welcome Create a Presentation –Insert a new slide –Insert Text –Saving your PowerPoint Images and Animation –Adding Animation Upload your PowerPoint Assessment Survey New to PowerPoint Click Here Button- Color Grey 14 point Arial font with white letters bold and arrow at end of button. This is connected to a link that will generate a step by step job aid of PowerPoint 2010. Title Menu Buttons - are centered as Arial point 14, bolded, and color white. When a button is selected it will highlight the button background color as black. Only one button may be selected at any given time. Learning objective is listed under title as #1 Learn how to create a new presentation from a bland template and #2 Learn how to insert a new slide. Sub category buttons – N/A under Survey Poll: Poll question instructions are in Arial blue color, 18 point font with key directional words in bold type. Poll font Arial, 14 point grey font with radio button answer selection. Poll Daddy is the poll generator that works within the application. Results can be viewed by the instructor and this verbiage will be invisible to the end user in the publish version. Animation (yes or no): Text/Audio Narration: The purpose of the survey is to provide feedback on the learner experience. This survey may have to be Revisited to change or add questions to produce the feedback data to quantify the success for the web-based tutorial. Title: CSCC New Hire PowerPoint Training Scene Training Survey Graphics (yes or no) : Audio (yes or no): Slide number:12 Skill or Concept:

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