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ITEA S4ALL project, 20th June 2007 S4ALL: Services For ALL ITEA S4ALL Demonstration 4 and 5 Deploying any ITEA S4ALL Infrastructure Automatically Nicolas.

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Presentation on theme: "ITEA S4ALL project, 20th June 2007 S4ALL: Services For ALL ITEA S4ALL Demonstration 4 and 5 Deploying any ITEA S4ALL Infrastructure Automatically Nicolas."— Presentation transcript:

1 ITEA S4ALL project, 20th June 2007 S4ALL: Services For ALL ITEA S4ALL Demonstration 4 and 5 Deploying any ITEA S4ALL Infrastructure Automatically Nicolas Dolet and Philippe Merle INRIA Jacquard Team

2 ITEA S4ALL project, 20th June 2007 Page 2 Demo Scenario 4 & 5 Internet Schneider Server Joram Client Joram Server -- JMS API -- JMS Client Reliable data delivery Data Acquisition Industrial Gateway Joram Server Internet OSGi Flash Servlet O&M Broadcast Server (ALU) CHAT/IM Platform (mCentric) WS Chat/IM Server SIP Server SIP Server WS Request to Get RSS Stream to get Tomorrow’s Temperature WS Servlet Application Servlet Application WS Request to Get Schneider Gateway Temperature Call to responsible by IMS Messaging RSS Server WIFI Network Java Client with SIP & WIFI Libraries WS = Web Service Traceability Events Send Alert to Schneider Operator Chat Rooms. (RSS Data + Schneider Data) GPRS Network Embedded Joram JOnAS Automatic Deployment

3 ITEA S4ALL project, 20th June 2007 Page 3 Demo Objective ITEA S4ALL infrastructures are composed of complex stacks of heterogeneous software deployed on distributed systems ITEA S4ALL infrastructures are composed of complex stacks of heterogeneous software deployed on distributed systems  Operating systems, language runtime, data base servers, middleware services, application servers (OSGi, JBI, JEE), Web services (OSGi bundles, JBI components, WAR, BPEL), etc. Especially the Broadcast Server of demo 4&5 uses Especially the Broadcast Server of demo 4&5 uses Java Runtime Environment Apache Tomcat Servlet Engine Web services as WAR servlets (done by ALU) ObjectWeb Orchestra BPEL Engine (done by Bull)  ObjectWeb JOnAS JEE Application Server (done by Bull) Web services as BPEL processes (generated by ALU) How to deploy any ITEA S4ALL infrastructure automatically? How to deploy any ITEA S4ALL infrastructure automatically?

4 ITEA S4ALL project, 20th June 2007 Page 4 Fractal Deployment Framework A framework to deploy any ITEA S4ALL infrastructure automatically A framework to deploy any ITEA S4ALL infrastructure automatically  Deploy = install  configure  start  manage  stop  unconfigure  uninstall FDF is FDF is  A language to describe stacks of software to deploy  A virtual machine to execute FDF descriptions  A graphical interface to manage deployments Done by INRIA/Jacquard Done by INRIA/Jacquard

5 ITEA S4ALL project, 20th June 2007 Page 5 What Will be Shown Now Java FDF TomcatAntJOnAS OrchestraApplications BPEL FDF

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