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Prof. Francis Iyoha Dean, CBSS. 1.Introduction 2.Key words 3.Purpose of Budgets 4. Achieving Budget Discipline.

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Presentation on theme: "Prof. Francis Iyoha Dean, CBSS. 1.Introduction 2.Key words 3.Purpose of Budgets 4. Achieving Budget Discipline."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prof. Francis Iyoha Dean, CBSS

2 1.Introduction 2.Key words 3.Purpose of Budgets 4. Achieving Budget Discipline

3  Budget  Budget Discipline  Sustainable Development

4 The purpose of a budget might be to:  Compel Planning  Communicate Ideas and Plans  Co-ordinate Activities  Establish a System of Controls  Motivate Employees  Authorize Actions  Evaluate Performance

5  Identify Budget centres/hierarchy of budget centres  Establish clear responsibilities  Identify principal or key budget factor(s)  Identify all sources of inflows and outflows  Determine capital and recurrent expenditure relationship  Prepare the budget (be realistic)  Implement and monitor  Investigate all variances  Revise (if necessary)

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