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1 MIS Mr. B.F. Nel D-Block: Office 210

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1 1 MIS Mr. B.F. Nel D-Block: Office 210 Email:

2 Welcome!!! “Last” night you went to bed as former grade 12’s and this morning you all wake up as students of the University of Zululand. What a marvellous moment !! Congratulations! You have done well. The fact that you have been accepted at this university is a testament to your dedication, to you and your family. 2

3 Advice: Don’t give up focus on your studies don't give up on your dreams. As you sit here today, you have ideas and dreams that are yours and yours alone Phone home Do something meaningful everyday Lectures, practicals, assignments, socials, sport and culture. You will escape into Whatsapp, Facebook, Itunes and watching Isibaya. 3

4 4 Lecturer’s + Lab/Stud Assistants: Ms Biyela will be my Right Hand Person/lady 2 nd in charge Assistants: MIS Society

5 Course Outlay: The impact and usefulness of information systems in everyday life, and especially in the business community, has increased tremendously in the last few years. This course aims to introduce you to the basic concepts and developments in information systems. Issues to be examined include: computer technology, information system concepts, information systems development, and the use of information systems in organz 5

6 Outcomes: This course should help you in making decisions about information technology in your role as a user of information or as an IS professional. 6

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9 Prescribed Book: Theory: MIS 6, Management Information Systems, 2016, H. Bidgoli Practical: PowerPoint Slides We will use both books for the whole year! 9

10 LO: Keyboard skills Mouse Skills 10

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