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1 Bard: Interpreting New Frontier Energy Collider Physics Bruce Knuteson MIT DIS 0621 April 2006 The solution to the “LHC Inverse Problem”

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Presentation on theme: "1 Bard: Interpreting New Frontier Energy Collider Physics Bruce Knuteson MIT DIS 0621 April 2006 The solution to the “LHC Inverse Problem”"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Bard: Interpreting New Frontier Energy Collider Physics Bruce Knuteson MIT DIS 0621 April 2006 The solution to the “LHC Inverse Problem”

2 2 The first sign of new physics will come from: Heavy gauge bosons Technicolor Large extra dimensions Leptoquarks Supersymmetry Fourth generation fermions Compositeness Something else 7 10 15 3 29 4 8 24

3 3 The values of the 105 MSSM parameters are:

4 4 Standard Model Data

5 5 Bard model construction “weave a story”

6 6 hep-ph/0602101

7 7 If we see a signal, how do we interpret it in terms of the underlying physical theory?

8 8

9 9 Generic new particles spin 0, ½, 1 electric charge  n/3 color singlet, triplet or octet

10 10 Generic new vertices

11 11 Prune diagrams

12 12 Bard stories |g| 2 m 1 m 2 m 3

13 13 Bard output Ordered list of stories, together with best fit parameters and errors Analysis details are available from links

14 14

15 15 Quaero status currently no competition DØ Run I PRL 87 231801 H1 L3 Aleph technically complete, not yet published CDF Run II under development discrepancy finding Run I data

16 16  0001001 0604227 (prediction) d(hep-ph)

17 17 Sleuth How do we find the excess? New physics will appear: 1. Predominantly in one exclusive final state 2. At large Σp T 3. As an excess quasi model independent

18 18 Sleuth / General Search status currently no competition D Ø Run I Phys.Rev.D 62:092004,2000 Phys.Rev.D 64:012004,2001 Phys.Rev.Lett.86:3712,2001 H1 Run I Phys.Lett.B 602:14-30,2004 P=0.03

19 19 Vista How do we understand the data in the first place? currently no competition

20 20 Vista Filter events of interest e   j  pp e  Simulate detector response e  jb e 0.910.020.0010.071e-3  0.87  0.100.90  0.810.19 j 1e-42e-63e-36e-412e-3 b 1e-3 5e-38e-40.600.40 true reconstructed ( mis ) Id Fit for experimental & theoretical fudge factors Define physics objects b Estimate backgrounds

21 21 toy example

22 22 Summary FermilabCERNDESY and many others Special thanks to: Interpreting new frontier energy collider physicsBard The solution to the “LHC Inverse Problem” Quickly testing specific hypothesesQuaero Finding an excessSleuth Systematically understanding the data in the first placeVista

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