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How to read a word No. 46 Middle School Zhoujing.

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Presentation on theme: "How to read a word No. 46 Middle School Zhoujing."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to read a word No. 46 Middle School Zhoujing

2 Letter sounds b c d f g h j k l m n p qu r s t v w x y z Golden rules 1: ccc, /s/s/s/, ccc /k/k/k/ 遇到 a o u, 要读 k/k/k/ 遇到 e i y, 要读 /s/s/s/

3 What does C say? class city can carrot candy coke cinema price card camel connect

4 Golden rules 2 g g g, /g/g/g/, g g g, 后跟 a o u ,要读 /g/g/g/ 后跟 e i y ,要读 /d3/

5 What does G say? gym energy gum bug gas goat age digital manager wage

6 Golden rules 3 y y y, 真有趣, 重读音节里要读 /ai/ 非重读音节里要读 /i/ 元音字母前要读 /j/

7 What does Y say? sky my by cry dry try fly spy baby carry happy hurry silly lucky yes yellow yell

8 Golden rules 4: l l l, 真奇怪,元音之前,读清楚, /l/l/l/, 没有元音,模糊读, /l/l/l/. What does l say? Ruler fly people settle tall small

9 How to read these words? face bike he cute coke bag big desk bus not

10 _ What does the letter say? I know the letter a says / æ / and/ei/ I know the letter e says /i:/and/e/ I know the letter I says /i/and /ai/ I know the letter o says /əu/and / ɔ / I know the letter u says /ju:/ and / ʌ /

11 How to read these words? write ride stop place cut trip next snake save check pants close lost make brush mine hug hope jet wine he eve huge no hate

12 What letters are they? sn_ ck s_ll f_x s_ft r_sh pl_ce w_ke w_ste th_se pr_ce sm_le j_ke aei ou a o a e ii o j

13 辅音字母组合 sh--- ch--- tch--- th--- wh--- ck--- st--- sp--- sk--- bl--- cl--- fl--- gl--- sw--- str--- spr--- scr--- gr--- fr--- dr--- tr--- ph--- wr--- --- dge kn--- qu--- --- tion --- sion --- ts --- ds

14 which duck why spider whole frog blend think strike section chips bridge mission catch brush swum skate quite write shape truck hands drive pats photo knife spring

15 What letters are they? __ich du__ __ider __ole __og __end __ink ___ike sec____ __ips bru__ __um __ate __ite __oto __y

16 Golden rules 5: 元音因素字母组合 ai ay eigh ----/ei/ ee ea ey ie ----/i:/ ie -ind -ild -igh ----/ai/ oa oe ow old ost ----/3u/

17 lay pay weight sleigh snail mail fail tail leaf clean cheat queen piece money light night high bright flight might mind find coat soap blow grow window hold host bone

18 ue ui ew ----/u:/ ( 在 l,j,r 的后面) ar ----/a:/ er ir ur wor ear ----/3:/ or oor our oar war quar oi oy ou oo au aw al

19 boil voice noise joy enjoy point oyster loud mouth shout mouse house straw autumn saw saucer draw walk chalk talk small broom spoon hook cookie wood bar jar smart yard shark party skirt shirt nurse church purse work word world worst order

20 Golden rules 6: ear 在词尾要读 /i3:/ ear 在词中要读 /3:/ ie 在长单词中要读 /i:/ ie 在短单词中要读 /ai/ u — e ue ui ew 在 l j r 后要读 /u:/ oi 永远在词中, oy 永远在词尾 ar or 在非重读音节中要读 /3:/

21 earn learn hear tear early pearl heard search thief chief brief believe pie die tie lie rule huge juice glue due few fruit blue who whom whose whole why which when dark sharp art star farmer smart large garlic actor doctor dollar cellar inventor beggar alone ago about aloud agree avoid adopt ahead alike away

22 能力展示: first meet year match black manager right thirty behind fruit beef juice noodle show when party birthday Saturday board email drink hamburger

23 stay about park never trainer shirt clear bamboo desert leaf heard mouse switch download wild find share spare scare pair behind keyboard hair stair kind

24 Exceptions: Have put live give do

25 Take time 花点时间 Take time to think — 花点时间去思考 —— It is the source of power. 思考是力量之源。 Take time to read — 花点时间去阅读 —— It is the foundation of wisdom. 阅读是智慧的基础。 Take time to laugh — 花点时间笑笑 —— It is the music of the soul. 它是灵魂的音乐。 Take time to be friendly — 花点时间去交友 —— It is the road to happiness. 这是通往幸福的道路。 Take time to dream — 花点时间去梦想 —— It is what the future is made of. 梦想通向未来。

26 Never give up Never give up, Never lose hope Always have faith It allows you to cope Trying times will pass As they always do Just have patience Your dreams will come true So put on a smile You ’ ll live through your pain Know it will pass And strength you will gain 永不放弃 永不放弃, 永不心灰意冷 永存信念 它会使你应付自如。 难挨的时光终将过去 一如既往, 只要有耐心 梦想就会成真。 露出微笑, 你会走出痛苦。 相信苦难定会过去, 你将重获力量


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