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High-Frequency Words Directions For questions 1-5 click the button next to the letter for the word that fills the blank.

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Presentation on theme: "High-Frequency Words Directions For questions 1-5 click the button next to the letter for the word that fills the blank."— Presentation transcript:

1 High-Frequency Words Directions For questions 1-5 click the button next to the letter for the word that fills the blank.

2 1.The black _____________ is red. drawdoor colds A B C

3 2.The family _____________ the cat. loved little swim A B C

4 3.You _____________ read every day. what there should A B C

5 4._____________ comes from a tree. LikeWait Wood A B C

6 5._____________ we see the new movie. Should When Going A B C

7 Phonics Directions For questions 6-7 click the button next to the letter with the correct answer.

8 6. Kolya found his ball. Which word has the same sound as ou in found? shoutdouble would A B C

9 7. She can count to ten. Which word has the same sound as ou in count? soulhound court A B C

10 Directions For questions 8-10 click the button next to the letter with the correct way to divide the underlined word into syllables.

11 8. The pilot wears a blue hat. pil / otpi / lot pilo / t A B C

12 9. The baby went to the park with mom. ba / by b / aby bab / y A B C

13 10.I like the taste of lemons. lem / ons lemo / ns le / mons A B C

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