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2  oryID=0&Page=34 oryID=0&Page=34

3  Would you rather be remembered as a brave hero but you’re a coward and a thief, or be a brave hero but be remembered as a coward and a thief?

4  Don’t believe everything you read

5  If I borrow someone else's eyes, do I see the world from their point of view?

6  Do bullies help us in life?

7  When u r under water r u under water in water or surrounded by water?

8  Do video games cause violence in children?

9  Would you rather have the ability to be smarter than be faster?

10  If everything is possible is it possible for something to be impossible?

11  If everyone in the world was unique, would that mean that they were all the same?

12  If you tell a lie but believe it to be the truth, is it still a lie?

13  Should people have the right to choose when they die?

14  Is it easier to forgive than forget?

15  Would you be willing to reduce your life expectancy by 15 years to become extremely attractive, famous or rich? Or vote no if you would rather stay how you are now but live 5 years longer?

16  Do you push the elevator button more than once? Do you really believe it makes the elevator faster?.. DO YOU ????111??

17  If a whale becomes beached, can a beach be whaled?

18  If a pen has no ink left, is it still a pen!

19  Are plants sentient beings?

20  Should we appreciate elderly people more than new born babies?

21  Is it right to turn off a life support machine for a patient who is brain dead and has little chances of recovering?

22  Is a blunt pencil pointless?

23  Is a mobile phone still a mobile phone when it’s connected to a charger?

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