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Corporate Social Responsibility © Robert Jones 2010, 2013

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Presentation on theme: "Corporate Social Responsibility © Robert Jones 2010, 2013"— Presentation transcript:

1 Corporate Social Responsibility © Robert Jones 2010, 2013

2 Which are the most admired companies? Why? Which are the least admired companies? Why?

3 Blowfield & Murray (2008)

4 John Cadbury, 1824

5 What is the purpose of a business?

6 Business 1 For what is it responsible? 2 How can business be responsible? 3 To whom is it responsible?


8 Plato (circa 380 BC) Virtues: those things that enable humans to function well as humans. Function of a knife is to cut. A sharp edge allows it to perform this function well. So, a sharp edge is the virtue of a knife What are particularly human functions? virtues are – courage, wisdom, temperance, justice

9 Cultural Frames of Reference Exhibit 4.9 Johnson and Scholes (2005), Exploring Corporate Strategy

10 Ferrell, Hirt & Ferrell (2008)

11 Expectations and Purposes Exhibit 4.1 Johnson and Scholes (2005), Exploring Corporate Strategy

12 Relativism Values are different. They are relative to, for example, cultures, times, places, individuals. Pluralism There is no one single moral theory or principle that should be accepted as preferable to others. There are different, diverse, and even mutually inconsistent ethical positions that should be recognised; and there is not necessarily any single moral principle or set of principles that everyone should accept.

13 The Chain of Corporate Governance Exhibit 4.2 Source: Adapted from David Pitt-Watson, Hermes. Johnson and Scholes (2005), Exploring Corporate Strategy

14 Blowfield & Murray (2008) A history of Corporate Responsibility

15 Four Possible Ethical Stances Exhibit 4.7 Johnson and Scholes (2005), Exploring Corporate Strategy

16 Four Possible Ethical Stances Exhibit 4.7 Johnson and Scholes (2005), Exploring Corporate Strategy


18 Four Possible Ethical Stances Exhibit 4.7 Johnson and Scholes (2005), Exploring Corporate Strategy


20 Four Possible Ethical Stances Exhibit 4.7 Johnson and Scholes (2005), Exploring Corporate Strategy


22 Tesco Steering Wheel Based on The Balanced Scorecard, Kaplan and Norton (1992, 1993)

23 Four Possible Ethical Stances Exhibit 4.7 Johnson and Scholes (2005), Exploring Corporate Strategy

24 Founded by Anita Roddick, 1976

25 Strengths and Weaknesses of Governance Systems Exhibit 4.3a Source: Adapted from T. Clarke and S. Clegg, Changing Paradigms: The transformation of management knowledge for the 21 century, HarperCollins Business, 2000, Table 6.5, p. 324. st Johnson and Scholes (2005), Exploring Corporate Strategy

26 Strengths and Weaknesses of Governance Systems Exhibit 4.3b Source: Adapted from T. Clarke and S. Clegg, Changing Paradigms: The transformation of management knowledge for the 21 century, HarperCollins Business, 2000, Table 6.5, p. 324. Johnson and Scholes (2005), Exploring Corporate Strategy

27 Some questions of corporate social responsibility Exhibit 4.8a Johnson and Scholes (2005), Exploring Corporate Strategy

28 Some questions of corporate social responsibility Exhibit 4.8b Johnson and Scholes (2005), Exploring Corporate Strategy



31 3 P triple bottom line People, planet, profit John Elkington (1995) at SustainAbility adopted as the title of the Anglo-Dutch oil company Shell's first sustainability report in 1997.





36 Ferrell, Hirt & Ferrell (2008)




40 Tim Smit (social entrepreneur) and the Eden Project

41 Tim Smit (founder of the Eden Project) on “Kick-starting the sustainable economy”

42 Creating Shared Value by Michael E. Porter and Mark R. Kramer (2011), Harvard Business Review

43 Ferrell, Hirt & Ferrell (2008)



46 Conclusion: Corporate Social Responsibility Arguments for:- 1 2 3 4 5 Arguments against:- 1 2 3 4 5

47 Blowfield & Murray (2008), Corporate Responsibility: A Critical Introduction Corporate Responsibility: A Critical Introduction Johnson and Scholes (2005), Exploring Corporate Strategy Ferrell, Hirt & Ferrell (2008), Business: A Changing World Business: A Changing World Porter M.E. and Kramer M.R. (2011), Creating Shared Value Harvard Business Review

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