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Primary One Orientation 2016 30 December 2015. Introduction of School Personnel  Vice Principals (Curriculum) - Ms Chua Hwee Huan - Mrs Esther Choo -

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Presentation on theme: "Primary One Orientation 2016 30 December 2015. Introduction of School Personnel  Vice Principals (Curriculum) - Ms Chua Hwee Huan - Mrs Esther Choo -"— Presentation transcript:

1 Primary One Orientation 2016 30 December 2015

2 Introduction of School Personnel  Vice Principals (Curriculum) - Ms Chua Hwee Huan - Mrs Esther Choo - Mrs Germaine Png  Vice Principal (Administration) Mr Lim Boon Teck

3  Administrative Managers - Mdm Zarina Amir - Mdm Mary Tan  Operations Manager Mdm Theresa Lim  School Counsellor Ms Ong Lee Eng

4 Key Personnel NameDesignation Mdm Yue Siew Poh Year Head P1/2/3 Mrs Luwena Ngoh HOD English Mdm Wang Huiwen HOD Mother Tongue Mdm Jane Woon HOD Discipline, Guidance & Leadership Mdm Serene Chan HOD Aesthetics Mdm Sharifah Maznah HOD PE & CCA Ms Chiam Lee Lee HOD ICT & Data Management Ms Loo Ching Yee HOD Science Mr Darren Lau SH Math Ms Chong Jieqi SH Math

5  P1 Form & Co-Form Teachers CLASSFORM TEACHERCO-FORM TEACHER 1AMs Kamaliah AzniMdm Sharifah Maznah 1BMs Noor FarhaniMrs Heng Meng Tee 1CMs Khoo Wai LingMrs Florence Kong 1DMs Norshahedah Khan Mdm Bian Chengmei 1 EMrs Khoo Cheng Eng Mdm Nur Aisha

6 CLASSFORM TEACHERCO-FORM TEACHER I FMs Leong Oon HoMdm Tan Chiew Nooi 1GMs Joyce TanMdm Yue Siew Poh 1HMs Carolina TanMdm Foo Siew Yee 1IMs Eng Lik BoonMdm Sashikala

7 School Philosophy

8 Every Child Matters & To Develop Every Child to be the Best that She Can Be

9 Mission

10 To Develop Our Pupils to be Useful Citizens and Lifelong Learners Learners

11 A premier school with a vibrant and caring community Vision

12 Values  Creativity  Graciousness  Integrity  Responsibility  Learning

13 The RGPS Girl Creative Thinker Life-long Learner Value-based Leader

14 Home-School Partnership Be involved in your child’s learning journey in RGPS

15 Committed Partners Our Parent Volunteer Group

16  Common focus – The CHILD  Community  Respect  Open-mindedness  Trust Principles of Engagement

17 School Information

18 School Hours  7.20am to be in school  Assemble in the hall Mondays & Fridays - morning assembly to take place in the hall Tuesdays to Thursdays – morning assembly to take place in the classroom Form teachers will take the students (who are already in school) back to class by 7.10am; Those who come between 7.10am to 7.20am will be directed to their classrooms.  7.25am – Singing of national anthem & school song  Mon to Wed : Bring an English story book  Thurs and Fri : Bring a Mother Tongue story book

19  If you are driving into the school in the morning, note that traffic will be heavy. Plan to come earlier and be patient.  Seat your child behind the driver’s seat and let her have the school bag near her.  Let her get out of the car on her own. Every second counts

20  Dismissal is at 1.25pm  Write your child’s pick-up point on name tag B – If your child is taking school bus C - If you are driving in to pick up your child at canteen pick-up point G – Gate 1 if you are picking your child at the gate ** Do not change pick-up points

21 Cars driving in during dismissal  Partial 1-way at Hillcrest Road : 1 pm – 2.30 pm  Cars are only allowed to be driven in to pick the children after 1.45pm when buses have left the school premises  Exercise consideration if you wait along Hillcrest Road and heed instructions of security guards

22  Gate 2 will be open  Prepare a A3 paper with your child’s name & class written in bold & big letters for easy identification from afar  Get your child to remember your car plate number  There is no parking in the school

23 Recess & Snack Time  30 min recess P1A – P1D : 8.30 am to 9.00 am P1E – P1I : 9.00 am to 9.30 am  Snack time - 11.30am – 11.40am Pack a dry healthy snack for your child to eat in class (eg fruits, cereal bars, cereals, sandwich, biscuits). They are not allowed to go to the canteen.

24 Telephone  Office telephone is for urgent calls only  Public telephone in canteen – purchase a phone card for use  Mobile phone Must be registered with office Only to be used in canteen area and for communication with parent / care-giver Child’s responsibility to take care of it

25 Pupils’ Well-Being & Safety  Pupils’ well-being & safety are utmost important  Unwell children - Keep the child at home if she is unwell - If your child is unwell in school, parent will be informed. She will wait in the Sick Bay in office for parent to pick her up. Do make arrangements to pick your child when informed by office.

26  School is not allowed to use antiseptic cream or other medication on children because of unknown allergies  Will be able to attend to minor cuts & bruises

27 School Insurance Scheme  All pupils are covered by a basic insurance scheme which school has bought  This insurance scheme will cover a nominal sum for outpatient expenses, hospitalisation, etc for accidents which occurred in the school  Parents may want to have your own personal coverage if you want more coverage

28 5 Jan 2016 (Tuesday)  Pack a story book, pencil case, a small set of colour pencils and a water bottle  Workbooks 1A  Exercise books  Give your child a snack for her recess or pocket money to buy food  Prepare additional snack for the snack time at 11.30am

29  Let your child come to the hall by herself  Parents are not allowed to linger in any part of the school compound  Parents are allowed to come into the school canteen and watch the girls behind the barriers (5 Jan only @ 8.20 / 8.50am)

30  Recess times - Buddy system (2 weeks) P1A – P1D : 8.30 am to 9.00 am P1E – P1I : 9.00 am to 9.30 am

31 Communication - Pupils’ Handbook - Telephone - Email – Teachers’ email addresses Refer to school website :  3 working days to respond to email  Teachers are not obliged to give their mobile numbers. If they do, respect their privacy and only call within office hours & when absolutely necessary.

32 School’s generic email address : Mrs Yue Yoke Mun : Mrs Esther Choo : Mr Lim Boon Teck :


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