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The Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition Getting help and enjoying the experience Dr Dane Comerford, Public Engagement Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "The Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition Getting help and enjoying the experience Dr Dane Comerford, Public Engagement Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition Getting help and enjoying the experience Dr Dane Comerford, Public Engagement Manager

2 Think about What you need to do What it is desirable to do What you must not do How you can be efficient Make use of free-to-use resources Spend money when required

3 Logistics A team of 12-15 people – develop the exhibit together Arrange accommodation ASAP (Wimbledon and Summer in London) Break the workload into chunks: exhibit stand and handouts; interactive components; people (training, planning, rota) Explore funding opportunities Notify and ask for help from your local communications team (PR, PE) Notify your VC, PVCs, Dean/Head of School/Faculty Practice

4 Budget and resource forecast Find local and external funding and support Explore in-kind and collaborative partners Use local resources (WP,PR, PE, Development, Admissions) Plan for expenses Strike the balance between quality and value /£kStandLeafletsFreightExhibitTrainingT-shirtsAccomm.PeopleTotal A21.31123.£27.9k B10.62113.60.70.634.3£17.9k C14.52.51180.70.634.3£22.3k

5 Audience pointers Who will see your exhibit? (in person, online, in traditional media, via internal communications) Free to attend, open to the public with long opening hours Competitive selection (~25% success) of cutting-edge research What are your key messages? PublicStudentsTeachersMediaSoiréeTotal 201110,2651,853224451,42513,812 20128,2271,45219330121811,120 20138,7452,358260251,14212,530 201410,4472,540320151,04814,370

6 Audience segmentation General public Schools: pupils, students, teachers Fellows of the Royal Society (FRS) Media (written, audio and visual)

7 Message development Aim Why are you doing this?Vision Objective What do you aiming to achieve?What Output What are you doing?How Outcomes What will be different?Impact Generic Learning Outcomes (GLOs) – for the team and for visitors: 1. knowledge and understanding 2. skills 3. attitudes and values 4. enjoyment, inspiration and creativity 5. action, behaviour, progression

8 Communications Spoken Written Visual Kinaesthetic Inter-personal ‘Hands-on’ ‘Hands-off’

9 Stand curation and lay-out traffic 1m

10 Exhibit reuse “Every time you reuse an exhibit item, the initial cost decays” Departmental open days Local research or cultural festivals Consider national opportunities (Cheltenham, Cambridge, Big Bang) Educational outreach (primary and secondary school visits) Community outreach (town fairs, county shows)

11 Outcomes (and Outputs) of the Exhibition A broader group and personal research picture Confidence, enthusiasm, ideas and enjoyment Development of communication skills while exhibiting to a varied target audience A set of high-quality materials Great experience Networking possibilities

12 Any questions on… audience pointers? logistics? message development? communications techniques? copywriting and editing? grant writing? exhibit layout?

13 Evaluation The great sandwich exhibition and debate a)Do you know about sandwiches? Extensive / something / nothing / unsure b)Where do you buy or eat sandwiches? Please write: ______________________ c)What is your opinion on sandwiches? Please write: ______________________ d)What was most interesting to you? Please state: ______________________ e)Any comments? ____ _________________

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