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Science Scheduling This slide presentation is intended to give you an idea of the possibilities for science courses at Malvern High School. It does not.

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Presentation on theme: "Science Scheduling This slide presentation is intended to give you an idea of the possibilities for science courses at Malvern High School. It does not."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science Scheduling This slide presentation is intended to give you an idea of the possibilities for science courses at Malvern High School. It does not replace the valuable information from your guidance counselor.

2 Bare Bones Minimum To graduate you must have THREE science courses Passed the Science OGT

3 All Science Courses likely to be taught next year B-Z Integrated Science 1 Chemistry Physics Mr. Essig Biology Integrated Science 2 Anatomy & Physiology

4 Career Track (Drage/Tech Prep) Integrated Science 1 Biology Some other science at your technical school during your junior or senior years or summer school

5 I don’t want to go to college or to a technical school (Drage) Integrated Science 1 Biology Integrated Science 2 (Junior or Senior)

6 Chemistry Pre-requisites Completed Integrated Science with C+ or higher Algebra 1 with a grade of C+ or higher in both courses Passed Science OGT

7 Integrated Science 2 Pre-Requisites Completed Integrated Science Completed Biology

8 Anatomy and Physiology Prerequisites Completed Biology with a grade of C+ or higher Passed the Science OGT

9 Prerequisites for PHYSICS Completed Integrated Science with a grade of C+ or better Completion of Algebra 2 with a grade of C+ or better Passed Science OGT Completion of Chemistry very helpful but not required

10 I’m going to college but I don’t know what I want to be. Or I don’t want to be anything in science, healthcare, or engineering Science 9 Biology (Sophomore) Chemistry (Junior) Anatomy & Physiology OR (senior) PHYSICS (senior)

11 Scientists or Engineers (non-medical) Integrated Science 1 Biology Chemistry PHYSICS

12 Doctors, Physical Therapists, & Pharmacists Integrated Science 1 Biology (sophomore) Chemistry (junior) Anatomy & Physiology (junior/senior) PHYSICS (senior)

13 Nursing or Healthcare (not doctor) Science 9 Biology (sophomore) Chemistry (junior) Anatomy & Physiology (senior)

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