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Erin Bowman, Clarissa Beavers, Bobby Vigars, Kevin Burkett.

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Presentation on theme: "Erin Bowman, Clarissa Beavers, Bobby Vigars, Kevin Burkett."— Presentation transcript:

1 Erin Bowman, Clarissa Beavers, Bobby Vigars, Kevin Burkett

2  Spalding is an American sporting goods store headquartered in Bowling Green, Ohio  Specialize in balls (soccer, basketball, football, etc.)  They are the official ball provider of the American Football League, NBA, ABA, and WNBA  Created the product NeverFlat that guarantees to always stay fully inflated for at least a year

3  Dated  Old  Conservative  Not very innovative  Un-emotional

4  Fun  Play  Physical  Special  Safe  Reliable  Adventure  Win  Fearless  Valuable  Outdoors

5 “Provide the necessities to Promote and Inspire Achievement”

6  Attributes- promote physical activity  Benefits- Becoming more fit  Values- Self-achievement  Make connection between sports equipment to being active and looking healthy ◦ Playing sports will get them more fit ◦ It can boost a healthy body and mind ◦ Improve their skills in sport

7  Attributes ◦ Fun ◦ Promote Physical Activity ◦ Multiple Sports ◦ Colors ◦ Weight/Size ◦ Textures (Smooth, Dimples, etc.) ◦ Bounce

8  Psychological ◦ Better body image ◦ Self-esteem  Social ◦ Teamwork ◦ Competitiveness  Benefits  Functional  More fit body  Increased Physical Activity  Weight Loss

9  Instrumental ◦ Get fit ◦ Value friendship/teamwork ◦ Personal & physical growth ◦ Happiness value  Terminal ◦ Achievement ◦ Social recognition ◦ Weight goal ◦ Sentimental or physical prize  Values


11  Men and women, predominately men  Ages 10-55  Focus on men 22-40  All ethnicities  Want to instill tradition with buying Spalding equipment

12  Spalding. Always there for you.  We’ll never leave you stranded  We’ll keep our hands busy


14  Attributes  Toughness  Activeness  Long-lasting  durable  Fun  Never go flat

15  Benefits  Concrete  Never go flat  Ready to go  Abstract  Dependable  Wont quit  Allows for new connections (friends playing)

16  Value  Instramentalterminal loyalty practice  Bondingcareer Traditionsachievement  Familymoney/income

17  Radio:  -Use a setting on a micro phone to sound like a baseball announcer from the 20’s and say “Brought to you by Spalding sports, always there when you need them.”  -During the holidays, “With the holidays upon us find the gift that wont get returned the next day or not work in a week. Spalding sports. there for you.”

18  Cast away picture of Tom hanks crying because he lost Wilson. Caption “Spalding sports, we wont let you down when you need us.”  CaddyShack picture of Spalding (character) picking his nose. Caption “Spalding sports, keeping your hands busy in the right ways”

19  It starts with a kid shooting hoops with a different brand putting it away for winter and in spring its flat. Then, he gets a Spalding basketball the next year shoots and shoots and shoots. Puts ball away for winter gets ball back out in spring and its full, ready to go. Next to it is the Wilson ball from Cast Away. The kid takes to shooting around again. Fades to a picture of Tom yelling/crying over Wilson And a narrator comments “ Spalding, always there for you.

20  Higher a group of trick shot artists and have them show case their talent with crazy shots in different places and on edge ideas. All using Spalding balls. The caption after each video will read, “What will you do next”

21  Active, Older, Retired Adults looking to stay active  Target retirement homes and community centers  Get our basketballs into the recreation centers older adults use


23  Retirees  Age 55+  Men and Women  Wealthy and active adults in retirement or approaching retirement  All ethnic backgrounds  Print ad will show an older man and older woman playing one-on-one in basketball

24  Attributes ◦ Fun ◦ Active ◦ Healthy ◦ Easy to play with ◦ Simple ◦ Universal recognition of basketball ◦ Conservative in color, shape, and feel

25  Benefits ◦ Functional  Healthy body and healthy mind  Active lifestyle  Outgoing individual / couple ◦ Psychological  Healthy mind  Overall happiness when active ◦ Social  Time spent with family and friends  Easy to make new friends while playing sports  Quality talking time with significant other while playing basketball

26  Values ◦ Instrumental  Healthy lifestyle  Brighter mind / smarter  Responsibility  Determination  Happy relationship with family and friends ◦ Terminal  Live life to the fullest  Participate in as many things as possible while they can  End-of-life happiness  Recognition from peers on active and healthy lifestyle

27  Attribute: healthy and fun  Benefit: healthy body and healthy mind  Value: living life to the fullest  Connect seniors to the concept of living life to the fullest ◦ Playing basketball and exercising will give them a healthy body and healthy mind ◦ Having a healthy body will allow them to do the things they want in retirement ◦ Doing the things they want in retirement will lead to end-of-life happiness

28  TV Ads that show awkwardly athletic seniors playing basketball ◦ Grandpa dunking basketball ◦ Grandma diving for the ball

29 “Who said grown-ups couldn’t play anymore?” Healthy body. For life.



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