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Special Education Services Lynne Adams, Director of Special Education Shelby Thibodeau, Assistant Director of Special Education School Board Presentation,

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1 Special Education Services Lynne Adams, Director of Special Education Shelby Thibodeau, Assistant Director of Special Education School Board Presentation, November 2014

2 Student Support as of October 1, 2014 Total number of students in district = 2159 students. 31 Special Education Professional Staff (includes-teachers, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists) 49 Paraprofessional staff (Ed Techs) Contracted services for physical therapy, deaf education, and psychological evaluation services. Number of students receiving special education services = 383 17% of the total student population receives special education services. Staff

3 Common Acronyms in Special Education RTI- Response to Intervention LRE-Least Restrictive Environment SDI-Specially Designed Instruction IEP-Individual Education Plan

4 Response to Intervention

5 Three Prongs for Special Education Eligibility IEP Prong 3 Prong 2 One of the 13 Educational Disabilities Prong 1

6 Screen shot page 1 IEP Eligibility

7 Three Prongs for Special Education Eligibility IEP Prong 3 Adverse Effect Prong 2 One of the 13 Educational Disabilities Prong 1

8 Adverse Effect Definition Adverse effect/Adversely effects: The word “adverse” commonly means: “harmful, impeding, obstructing, or detrimental.” To “ adversely effect” means: to have a negative impact that is more than a minor or transient hindrance, evidenced by findings and observations based on data sources and objective assessments with replicable results. An adverse effect on educational performance does not include a developmentally appropriate characteristic of age/grade peers in the general population.

9 Three Prongs for Special Education Eligibility IEP Need for Specially Designed Instruction Prong 3 Adverse Effect Prong 2 One of the 13 Educational Disabilities Prong 1

10 SDI Specially designed instruction is required when there is evidence of a measurable and persistent gap in a student’s educational / functional performance that cannot be addressed through services or accommodations available through the general education program.

11 Three Prongs for Special Education Eligibility If meets all 3 prongs, IEP is then developed by the team. IEP Need for Specially Designed Instruction Prong 3 Adverse Effect Prong 2 One of the 13 Educational Disabilities Prong 1

12 IEP TEAM MEMBERS REQUIRED:  Parent  Administrator  Special Education representative  Teacher, speech and language therapist  General Education teacher Additional members:  Student  Guidance counselor  Project Pride  Title 1 provider  Any other support personnel

13 Continuum of Services

14 Resource Room Support Services One in each of the four elementary schools One for seventh grade One for eighth grade Three programs for grades 9-12 The Resource Room services provide academic support for students-often with a learning disability or other health impairment that is impacting their academic performance.

15 District Wide Programs Behavioral Support: Farrington K-2, 3-6 Gilbert K-2, 3-6 Cony 7/8 Cony 9-12 (2 programs) Functional Skills Support: Farrington K-2, 3-6 Lincoln K-2 Cony 7/8 Cony 9-12 (2 Programs) Autism Support: Lincoln K-2, 3-6

16 Related Services Speech and language services 1 Speech and language service provider in each of the 5 buildings Stand alone service or a related services Occupational therapy services 2 providers for the district Can only be a related service Physical therapy services Contracted provider Can only be a related service


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