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Ohhh…! what’s your comment ? In your opinion what should we do with rubbish ?

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Presentation on theme: "Ohhh…! what’s your comment ? In your opinion what should we do with rubbish ?"— Presentation transcript:


2 Ohhh…! what’s your comment ?

3 In your opinion what should we do with rubbish ?

4 Which one of them is more useful ? Recycling

5 How do you think we could save energy by recycling ? ???

6 Our K.W.L What we have learnt about energy and recycling What we wonder about energy and recycling What we know about energy and recycling What are the sources of energy ? What is renewable energy ? What is non-renewable energy ? How could we save energy by recycling ? Energy is important for our life Recycling is a good way to get rid of rubbish We could save energy by recycling rubbish

7 What do we need to start saving energy by recycling? Posters Brochures Baskets Labels Cans Paper Old books

8 Let’s start our project

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