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Unit 6: Living With Natural Forces Theme 12: The Science of Sports

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1 Unit 6: Living With Natural Forces Theme 12: The Science of Sports

2 attempt- the act of trying to do something The first attempt at aviation was not quite as successful as hoped.

3 courageous- brave Courageous people can be found all around us.

4 athlete- someone who is trained in a sport Athletes spend much of their life training to become the best in their sport. ord_pg185_l.jpg

5 estimate- to make a general but careful guess about something Can you estimate how many marbles are in this jar?

6 friction- the force that slows the motion of two surfaces when they touch It takes a lot of friction to move a heavy box in an opposite direction.

7 reaction- a response to something The reaction of pushing off the ground is to move forward. http:/ 210896.ground-reaction-force.1.jpg/

8 physical- something related to the body It is important to stay physical to avoid injuries in sports activities.

9 movement- the act of moving or changing positions Movements in different directions do not always help the situation. movement-kit.jpg

10 ability- a skill or talent The ability to climb a rock wall takes concentration and logical planning.

11 consequence- a result or outcome Many thieves do not think of the consequences when committing a crime.

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