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Elluminate Live! Participant Orientation Slides. Raise Hand Send Message Talk Polling Whiteboard Tools The Participant Interface.

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Presentation on theme: "Elluminate Live! Participant Orientation Slides. Raise Hand Send Message Talk Polling Whiteboard Tools The Participant Interface."— Presentation transcript:

1 Elluminate Live! Participant Orientation Slides

2 Raise Hand Send Message Talk Polling Whiteboard Tools The Participant Interface

3 Connection Speed Set your Connection Speed –PC: Tools  Preferences  Session Connection –Mac: Elluminate Live!  Preferences  Session Connection

4 Participants Window Raise/Lower Hand Emoticons Step Away

5 Audio Permission for Using Microphone Audio Set Up Utility –Tools  Audio  Audio Setup Wizard Optimal Microphone Setting

6 Chat Window Permission for using Chat Send a Text Message –Public –Private

7 Whiteboard Tools Permission for using Whiteboard Tools Laser Pointer Clip Art Filled Rectangle Filled Ellipse Eraser Highlighter Text Editor Selection Pen Text Ellipse Rectangle Line Import an Image Screen Capture

8 Polling Types –Yes/No –Multiple Choice –Slowdown/Speedup Class Pace Responses will appear in the Participants window if the moderator has selected to show them

9 Resource Materials Visit for: –User Guides –Quick Reference Guides –Recorded Training Sessions –Register for Live Training Sessions Elluminate Technical Support The Elluminate User Group available from – Monthly Live Events and Webinars 3 for Free vRoom

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