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African Americans in the Progressive Era  Ignored by Progressive Era  Wilson segregates federal buildings Interracial marriages illegal in D.C.  Plessy.

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Presentation on theme: "African Americans in the Progressive Era  Ignored by Progressive Era  Wilson segregates federal buildings Interracial marriages illegal in D.C.  Plessy."— Presentation transcript:


2 African Americans in the Progressive Era  Ignored by Progressive Era  Wilson segregates federal buildings Interracial marriages illegal in D.C.  Plessy v. Ferguson Separate but Equal  Lynchings  Progressives were either racist or considered their reforms more important

3 Approach #1: Booker T. Washington  Born a slave  Stresses Economics  Tuskegee Institute  Atlanta Exposition speech (1895) Need for education and economic progress are most important Cornerstone from which to build toward other goals

4 Approach #2: W.E.B. Du Bois  Not a slave  Stresses Civil Equality  The Souls of Black Folk (1903) Equal rights come before economic independence

5 Great Migration  1900 – 90% of African Americans still lived in the South?  Between 1910 and 1930 millions move to northern cities Race relations Destruction of cotton crops Northern factory openings during WWI  Between 1940 and 1970 another 4 million move north

6 Civil Rights Organizations  Niagara Movement (1905) WEB Du Bois and black intellectuals discuss a program of protest and action  NAACP (1908) Mission to abolish segregation. 100,000 members by 1920  National Urban League (1911) Help for those migrating North


8 Women’s Suffrage  Wilson refused to support for many years  Susan B. and E. Cady had passed the torch  Campaign Carrie Chapman Catt (IA) president of National American Women Suffrage Association (NAWSA) First focus to win suffrage at the state level

9 Women’s Suffrage  Militant Suffragists Women took to the streets Mass pickets, parades, hunger strikes Alice Paul forms National Woman’s party ○ Pushed for Constitutional Amendment  Nineteenth Amendment (1920) Allowed women to vote in all elections, local, state, and national

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