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Why is Dylan so upset?. Peer assessment Can be used by learners and their teachers to decide where students are in their learning, whey need to go and.

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Presentation on theme: "Why is Dylan so upset?. Peer assessment Can be used by learners and their teachers to decide where students are in their learning, whey need to go and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why is Dylan so upset?

2 Peer assessment Can be used by learners and their teachers to decide where students are in their learning, whey need to go and how best to get there

3 Week 1: teacher assessment with grade Week 2: peer assesssed task with detailed feedback and time for redrafting (no grades)

4 Why? Improved motivation Language used by peers is understandable Peer feedback can command more attention Frees up the teacher to make interventions Learner must internalise success criteria

5 Peer assessment /expertspeakers/selfandpeerassessmentdylan wiliam.asp formative summative

6 What do we need to do? How will students benefit?

7 Learning Goals

8 give time for redrafting and persevere What’s good and why? even better If….. model what good PA looks like – set up routines use clear, open tasks with success criteria

9 Goal: to be able to describe the key features of all sponges Can we come up with our own success criteria?

10 Goal: to be able to describe the key features of all sponges 1.You correctly state the Kingdom it is in 2.You describe how a sponge feeds 3.You explain why sponges are not considered plants 4. You compare the sex life of a sponge to that of a human


12 Goal: to be able to describe the key features of the sponges You correctly identify the Kingdom They are animals You describe how a spongue feeds They all live in water Collar cells line the openings of the sponge and have hair-like projections that waft water into the main cavity – this draws in small food particles You explain why sponges are not considered plants No chloropyll No cellulse cell wall You compare the sex life of a sponge to that of a human They reproduce by both asexual and sexual reproduction Humans reproduce by sexual only Both produce sperm and eggs The sperm are released into the water in a sponge wherease into the vagina in a human

13 What was good and why Two things to improve and why Redraft and refine answers

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