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Literacy – it’s everyone’s business!. Purpose of this session: - Celebrate Literacy Development Share EQ’s expectations for Literacy Share Varsity’s journey.

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Presentation on theme: "Literacy – it’s everyone’s business!. Purpose of this session: - Celebrate Literacy Development Share EQ’s expectations for Literacy Share Varsity’s journey."— Presentation transcript:

1 Literacy – it’s everyone’s business!

2 Purpose of this session: - Celebrate Literacy Development Share EQ’s expectations for Literacy Share Varsity’s journey developing a Whole School Literacy Policy  one school; one vision Set direction for 2010  refining & aligning with QCARF and preparing for Australian Curriculum (ACARA) So to start...

3 The world at their feet: the epitome of our success! 2009 Seniors  2002 Junior School students So... Their education has been influenced by many We all play a part in providing the opportunities for all students to reach their potential

4 Literacy – it’s everyone’s business! Key component of the AOP Integral to success in - NAPLAN QCATS QCS Real Life!

5 Literacy – it’s everyone’s business! Effective reading pedagogy is the responsibility of every teacher across all key learning areas and year levels. Literate Futures: Reading 2002


7 So... EQ has mandated the 5 Day Literacy PD Program with – 2008 -09: All P-Yr 3 and Learning Support teachers 2009: All Yr 4-7, P-3 catch-ups and Specialist teachers 2010: All Yr 8 & 9 teachers

8 With... All EQ schools to develop and deliver Whole School Literacy Plans 2008 – 09: Varsity College WSLP developed and Genre Overviews were enacted and reviewed 2009 Term 4: Literacy Committee reviewed these recommendations and developed the 2010 Text Type Overviews




12 So, Links from Text Types (Genres) to VIPs / NAPLAN etc are clearer Progression from more everyday texts to more formal texts Sequence of development from P-9  linking to needs of Senior BUT – how do we know what’s come before and what will come after??

13 The Literacy Committee has developed a Teaching Scope and Sequence for Narrative– With input from teachers from Prep, Junior and Middle Schools With a Draft form ready to enact in 2010




17 Year 3 Sample – Hat Bravery Audience /6 4 Text structure /4 3 Ideas /5 3 Character and/or setting /4 3 Vocabulary /5 3 Cohesion /4 3 Paragraphing /2 1 Sentence structure /6 4 Punctuation /5 3 Spelling /6 4

18 Year 5 Sample – The Box Audience /6 5 Text structure /4 4 Ideas /5 4 Character and/or setting /4 4 Vocabulary /5 5 Cohesion /4 4 Paragraphing /2 2 Sentence structure /6 5 Punctuation /5 4 Spelling /6 5

19 Year 7 Sample – Dinner Time Audience /6 6 Text structure /4 4 Ideas /5 5 Character and/or setting /4 4 Vocabulary /5 4 Cohesion /4 4 Paragraphing /2 2 Sentence structure /6 5 Punctuation /5 4 Spelling /6 6

20 Year 9 - Escape from the Box Audience /6 6 Text structure /4 4 Ideas /5 5 Character and/or setting /4 4 Vocabulary /5 5 Cohesion /4 4 Paragraphing /2 2 Sentence structure /6 6 Punctuation /5 5 Spelling /6 6

21 Year 11 – Regal Courage AudienceA Text structure A - Ideas A - Character and/or settingA VocabularyA CohesionA ParagraphingA Sentence structureA PunctuationA SpellingA

22 How is this document useful to us? We now know what students will have been taught before coming to our year level We know what we need to teach them in our year level - and We know what they will be taught in future year levels

23 How is this useful to us? Saving time and energy for teaching what’s new and relevant rather than what the students already know Giving students a sense of moving forward with their learning, not repeating previous lessons – and not leaving something out along the way!

24 And where are these saved? G:\Curriculum\TeacherCommon\Literacy Committee\ 2010 Literacy Support Docs\ P-9 TEXT TYPE O’VIEWS \ (look for your year level) Narrative\2010 VC Narrative Scope & Sequence P-9.doc (NAPLAN samples and commentary also)

25 The focus for 2010 - Year levels to trial the new Text Type (Genre) Overviews  feedback to the College Literacy Committee: - Prep – Liz; Jnr – Mark ; Middle – Jill; Snr - Megan College Literacy Committee to continue to develop scope and sequence overviews for other text types – e.g. Exposition / Persuasive texts; Poetry; Reports; Procedures

26 To finish, something to ponder

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