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Baroque Art: 1600- 1750. Caravaggio: The Sacrifice of Isaac (1598-99)

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Presentation on theme: "Baroque Art: 1600- 1750. Caravaggio: The Sacrifice of Isaac (1598-99)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Baroque Art: 1600- 1750

2 Caravaggio: The Sacrifice of Isaac (1598-99)

3 Caravaggio: The Calling of St. Matthew (1599)

4 La Tour: St. Joseph the Carpenter (1640s)

5 La Tour: The Repentant Magdalen (1633-37

6 Magdalen (detail)

7 Rubens: The Lamentation (1609-11)

8 Rubens: The Arrival of Marie de Medici (1621-25)

9 Velazquez: Venus at her Mirror 1644-48)

10 Velazquez: The Maids of Honor (1656-57)

11 The Maids of Honor (detail)

12 Van Dyke: The Assumption of the Virgin (1621)

13 Van Dyke: Portrait of Charles I (1630)

14 Ver Meer: The Milkmaid (1658-60)

15 Ver Meer: The Love Letter (1669-70)

16 Tiepolo: The Apotheosis of the Spanish Monarchy (1762-66)

17 Rembrandt: The Blinding of Samson (1636)

18 Rembrandt: The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Tulp (1632)

19 Rembrandt: The Night Watch (1642)

20 Rembrandt: Portrait at age 23

21 Rembrandt: Portrait at age 63

22 Gentilischi: Judith and her servant Slaying Holofernes (1612-21)

23 Gianlorenzo Bernini and Michelangelo Buonaratti Piazza and Dome of St. Peter’s (1656-57)

24 Bernini: Coronaro Chapel (1645-52)

25 Bernini: The Ecstasy of St. Theresa

26 Residenzhall, Wurzburg

27 interior

28 Residenzhall, Wurzburg, cieling

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