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Adding Value to Portfolio Entries. Outline OpeningOpening Adding ValueAdding Value Aligning to GoalsAligning to Goals In-depth ReflectionIn-depth Reflection.

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Presentation on theme: "Adding Value to Portfolio Entries. Outline OpeningOpening Adding ValueAdding Value Aligning to GoalsAligning to Goals In-depth ReflectionIn-depth Reflection."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adding Value to Portfolio Entries

2 Outline OpeningOpening Adding ValueAdding Value Aligning to GoalsAligning to Goals In-depth ReflectionIn-depth Reflection Quantitative and Qualitative EvidenceQuantitative and Qualitative Evidence Linking Evidence to the RubricLinking Evidence to the Rubric

3 Outcomes Candidates will have the opportunity to— Gain a deeper understanding of what is valued by the National Board Process.Gain a deeper understanding of what is valued by the National Board Process. Understand how to provide in-depth evidence of student learning and of their own thinking.Understand how to provide in-depth evidence of student learning and of their own thinking. Write reflections aligned to their instructional goals.Write reflections aligned to their instructional goals. Provide explicit rationales for instructional decisions.Provide explicit rationales for instructional decisions.

4 How Can I Add Value to What I Already Have? Read the handout “How Can I Add Value?”Read the handout “How Can I Add Value?” In small groups, discuss and analyze the key points to answer the questions—In small groups, discuss and analyze the key points to answer the questions— What are the implications for fine- tuning my entries? What do I need to do to revise?

5 Staying Aligned to Your Goals Read the handout “Worksheet for Analysis of a Video or Student Work”Read the handout “Worksheet for Analysis of a Video or Student Work” Write the goals for one of your instructional entries in the left column of the worksheet.Write the goals for one of your instructional entries in the left column of the worksheet. Write the evidence you find in the student work sample, videotape, or written commentary that is related to each of your instructional goals.Write the evidence you find in the student work sample, videotape, or written commentary that is related to each of your instructional goals.

6 Adding Value Through In-depth Reflection In pairs, share a reflection from an entry, pointing out explicit connections to instructional goals and rationales for future changes in instruction.In pairs, share a reflection from an entry, pointing out explicit connections to instructional goals and rationales for future changes in instruction. Read the handout “Adding Value Through In-depth Reflection” to understand the framework of NBPTS questions for reflection.Read the handout “Adding Value Through In-depth Reflection” to understand the framework of NBPTS questions for reflection. Respond to the questions and chart and take notes to show evidence of the degree to which each of your instructional goals was accomplished and the opportunity for logical improvement.Respond to the questions and chart and take notes to show evidence of the degree to which each of your instructional goals was accomplished and the opportunity for logical improvement.

7 Putting New Knowledge To Work Focus on drafting a reflection for one instructional entry.Focus on drafting a reflection for one instructional entry. If you have a draft of a reflection, respond to the questions in the handout “Adding Value Through In-depth Reflection” to analyze your draft.If you have a draft of a reflection, respond to the questions in the handout “Adding Value Through In-depth Reflection” to analyze your draft. If you do not have a reflection, begin to write a first draft by answering the questions in your portfolio directions guided by the questions in the handout.If you do not have a reflection, begin to write a first draft by answering the questions in your portfolio directions guided by the questions in the handout. Share your drafts and revisions to write a clear and convincing reflection.Share your drafts and revisions to write a clear and convincing reflection.

8 Evidence Quantitative & Qualitative Review the Quantitative and Qualitative Evidence Chart.Review the Quantitative and Qualitative Evidence Chart. Discuss why each example is designated under the heading. Discuss why each example is designated under the heading. In small groups, generate additional examples.In small groups, generate additional examples. In whole group, share and discuss additional examples.In whole group, share and discuss additional examples.

9 Outlining Rubric Review the Handout “Finding Evidence of the Rubric and Standards in a Video” to see generic key concepts.Review the Handout “Finding Evidence of the Rubric and Standards in a Video” to see generic key concepts. Read Portfolio Direction “How Will My Response Be Scored?”Read Portfolio Direction “How Will My Response Be Scored?” List key concepts on the Handout “Blank Finding Evidence of the Rubric…”List key concepts on the Handout “Blank Finding Evidence of the Rubric…”

10 NBPTS Rubric and Standards Read through NBPTS Standards identified for this entry to find more information about the key concepts through--Read through NBPTS Standards identified for this entry to find more information about the key concepts through-- –Clarification –Examples –Descriptions

11 Planning and Analyzing Stages Planning Stage Brainstorm what could be included to show evidence of each key concept in the rubric.Brainstorm what could be included to show evidence of each key concept in the rubric. Analyzing Stage List evidence found for each key concept in the videotape or written commentary.List evidence found for each key concept in the videotape or written commentary.

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