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Samantha Mohammad And Jack Utz

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1 Samantha Mohammad And Jack Utz
Depressants Samantha Mohammad And Jack Utz

2 What Are Depressants? These drugs “depress” the nervous system/lower activity Examples: Barbiturates, benzodiazepines, alcohol, date-rape drugs, opiates, and more! Sam

3 General Effects Sedation/drowsiness, lower anxiety
Lowers heart rate, blood pressure Memory loss, disinhibition Jack

4 Prescription Benzodiazepines
Xanax, Valium, Prosom

5 Structure Many different Benzos used clinically since 1960
Alter body’s natural GABA system GABA Benzodiazepine in Xanax

6 Legal Issues Benzodiazepines are not all Legal
Some are legal by Prescription (schedule IV)

7 Acute Effects Prescribed for anxiety, insomnia, panic attacks
sense of calm, drowsiness, lower anxiety Treat withdrawal from certain drugs (alcohol) Insomnia/Anxiety Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome

8 Molecular Action Act at GABA (neurotransmitter) Receptors
Help GABA decrease brain activity

9 Drug Metabolism Short Acting, Intermediate Acting, and Long-Acting Benzodiazepines Pill Form, Crushing and snorting or Injection Pill Form: .5-4 hours, max effect

10 Abuse and Overdose Benzodiazepines can cause overdose at high doses
overdose risk increases while using other depressants Crushing pills for injection

11 Addiction and Withdrawal
Benzodiazepines are usually not prescribed for long periods of time Benzodiazepine withdrawal: anxiety, insomnia, headache, drug craving… Can be similar to Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome Insomnia/Anxiety

12 Addiction/Withdrawal Treatment
Slowly decrease dose Polydrug Abuse Counseling 12-Step Groups Detoxification

13 Overdoses Michael Jackson Heath Ledger
Heath Ledger: oxycodone, hydrocodone, diazepam, temazepam, alprazolam, and doxylamine...xanax, valium, painkiller opioids. slept 2 hours a night michael jackson: lorazepam and propofol antihistamines can sometimes be sedative/CNS depressants

14 Alcohol we are all FAMILIAR with alcohol

15 Structure + Legal Alcohol is a drug Legal - Not scheduled Ethanol
1920s passed prohibition 1930 repealed prohibition

16 Short-Term Effects Depend on several factors Unconsciousness Vomiting
Breathing difficulties Impaired Judgement Anemia Coma Blackouts effects depend on how much you consume, age, sex, weight, genetics, etc. also depends on how much you take but at the end of the day the effects are the same initially it effects people differently but no one is immune to alcohol everyone experiences alcohol effects the same - but at different rates depending on the factors listed above messy drug - but this is the depressant part of it that happens at a certain dose - the effects are the same for everyone but

17 Long-Term Effects Alcoholism - disease High blood pressure
Alcohol poisoning Ulcers Liver Disease Stroke Cancer

18 Molecular Action Increases GABA Inhibits glutamate Increases dopamine
increases gaba which inhibits the brain inhibits glutamate like a stop sign in the brain that slows down activity glutamate is a go sign, so the fewer go signals you have in your brain the slower it works more dopamine = more reward

19 Some Brain Effects GABA - hippocampus - memory
Cerebellum - loss of balance

20 Withdrawal Dangerous! fever seizures heart disease death
like driving with a parking break on you have to press harder to drive at a normal speed if you take the breaks off, you’re now going way too fast that causes things like seizures because you’re brain is sending way too many signals

21 Overdoses Amy Winehouse: fatal alcohol poisoning Jimi Hendrix:
mix of alcohol with prescription barbiturates

22 Treatment Alcoholics Anonymous Medication 12-step program
disulfiram (antabuse) acamprosate (campral) naltrexone (revia, depade, vivitrol)

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