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Review of Week #3 ( Operations Strategy in a Global Environment 全球環境下的作業策略 Chapter 2 Review of Week #3 ( Chapter 2 復習 ) Operations Strategy in a Global.

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Presentation on theme: "Review of Week #3 ( Operations Strategy in a Global Environment 全球環境下的作業策略 Chapter 2 Review of Week #3 ( Chapter 2 復習 ) Operations Strategy in a Global."— Presentation transcript:

1 Review of Week #3 ( Operations Strategy in a Global Environment 全球環境下的作業策略 Chapter 2 Review of Week #3 ( Chapter 2 復習 ) Operations Strategy in a Global Environment 全球環境下的作業策略 Chapter 2

2 Management Issues in Global Operations( 作業的全球觀點 ) Global Strategic Context  Differentiation  Cost leadership  Response Logistics Management ( 物流管理 ) Location Decisions ( 位置 决定 ) Supply Chain Management ( 供應鏈子管理 )

3 Supply-Chain Management ( 供應鏈子管理 )  Sourcing  Vertical integration  Make-or-buy decisions  Partnering

4 Location Decisions ( 地點, 位置. 決定 )  Country-related issues  Product-related issues  Government policy/political risk  Organizational issues

5 Materials Management ( 材料管理 )  Flow of materials  Transportation options and speed  Inventory levels  Packaging  Storage

6 Defining Global Operations ( 定義全球性操作 )  International business ( 國際化企業 )- engages in cross-border transactions  Multinational Corporation( 多國籍企業 ) - has extensive involvement in international business, owning or controlling facilities in more than one country  Global company( 全球化企業 ) - integrates operations from different countries, and views world as a single marketplace  Transnational company( 超越國際企業 )- seeks to combine the benefits of global-scale efficiencies with the benefits of local responsiveness

7 Achieving Global Operations - Four Considerations – 獲得全球化操作 - 要考慮的四個因素 -  Global product design  Global process design and technology  Global factory location analysis  Impact of Culture and Ethics

8 Managing Global Service Operations 管理全球服務操作 Must take a different perspective on  Capacity planning  Location Planning  Facilities design and layout  Scheduling

9 Some Definitions  International business( 國際企業 )  A firm that engages in cross-border transactions.  Multinational Corporation (MNC)( 多國籍企業 )  A firm that has extensive involvement in international business, owning or controlling facilities in more than one country

10 Developing Missions and Strategies 任務和決策的發展

11 Factors Affecting Mission 使命的影響因素 Mission 使命 Philosophy 哲學 & Values 價值 Profitability 利益 & Growth 成長 Environment 環境 Customers 顧客 Public Image 大眾的想法 Benefit to Society

12 Mission/Strategy 使命 / 決策  Mission - where you are going 哪裡你要去  Strategy - how you are going to get there; an action plan 如何到那裡,ㄧ個行動的計畫

13 Strategy Process 決策過程 Marketing Decisions 市場決定 Operations Decisions 操作者決定 Fin./Acct. Decisions 財會決定 Company Mission 公司使命 Business Strategy 企業決策 Functional Area Strategies 決策發展的區域

14 Strategies for Competitive Advantage 決策對競爭的好處  Differentiation 差異化  Cost leadership 價格領導  Quick response 反應快

15 10 Strategic OM Decisions ( 策略性作業管理的決策 )  Goods & service design ( 商品與服務設計 )  Quality ( 品質 )  Process & capacity design( 製程與産能設計 )  Location selection( 廠 / 店址選擇 )  Layout design( 佈置設計 )  Human resource and job design ( 人力資源與工作設計 )  Supply-chain management ( 供應 鏈 管理 )  Inventory ( 存貨 )  Scheduling ( 批程 )  Maintenance ( 保養維護 )

16 Goods & Services and the 10 OM Decisions( 商品與服務間的差 )

17 Goods & Services and the 10 OM Decisions – Continued



20 Stages in the Product Life Cycle Introduction 引導期 Growth 成長期 Maturity 成熟期 Decline 死亡期 Growth rate

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