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Tor Raubenheimer KEK Mtg Goals KEK January 19 th, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Tor Raubenheimer KEK Mtg Goals KEK January 19 th, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tor Raubenheimer KEK Mtg Goals KEK January 19 th, 2006

2 Primary Goals Get the RDR effort moving –Biggest issue is the cost Need to establish costing procedures and groups Need to provide these groups information Main cost drivers are the CF&S and the mail linac Need to understand level of detail needed for costing and write-up –Need to develop working relationships Area boundaries Relations between AS, TS, and GS Authority and responsibility Immediate goals –Agree on Main Linac rf sub-unit and Main Linac layout –Discuss damping ring issues and agree on config and location –Develop 1 st pass at collider layout –Agree on RDR responsibilities and area boundaries

3 KEK Meeting Agenda 1. [General] 9:00 Tor Raubenheimer 30 Charges, goals, and schedule 9:30 Nobu Toge 30 Status of the BCD 10:00 Nick Walker 30 Treaty points and costing guidance 10:30 Break 11:00 Discussion 60 RDR outline and work plan 12:00 Lunch [Damping Ring] 1:00 Andy Wolski 60 Damping ring issues 2:00 Discussion 30 Damping ring issues [Area Descriptions / Boundaries] 2:30 Axel Brachmann 30 Electron source configuration 3:00 Masao Kuriki 30 Positron source configuration 3:30 Break 4:00 Susanne Guidicci 30 Damping ring configuration 4:30 Peter Tenenbaum 30 RTML configuration 5:00 Discussion 30 Configuration issues 5:30 Andrei Seryi 60 BDS configuration with Europe on phone 7:00 Dinner

4 KEK Meeting Agenda 2. [Main Linac Unit] 8:00 Chris Adolphsen 90 Main Linac configuration and CERN mtg 9:30 Hitoshi Hayano 60 Outstanding issues in ML and discussion 10:30 Break [Collider Layout] 11:00 Kaoru Yokoya 30 Collider layout 11:30 Discussion 30 Collider layout 12:00 Lunch [General] 1:00 Peter Garbincius 60 DCB plans and WBS 2:00 Discussion 60 Future plans 3:00 depart for 3:50 Narita bus Some concern about bus departure time – need to check

5 RDR Leader Charges Document distributed with Charges and suggested Milestones –Area leaders are responsible for their regions of the collider Need to define boundaries between Areas Need to define boundaries between Areas and Global groups Need to define working relation between Areas and Technical and Global groups supporting the Area leaders –Suggested that TS and GS appoint contact people for each Area and the Area leaders are responsible for the cost of their Area »Do these points-of-contact ‘work’ for the Area leaders? »Who reviews the cost numbers that are developed and who is responsible for these numbers? –Area leaders need to hold the cost numbers and need to consider cost versus performance »Cost details will be reviewed by the DCB »DCB will likely review Technical subsystems at the same time, ie. all magnets on one day and all vacuum on the next

6 RDR Milestones Frascati meeting 12/05 –BCD complete – begin RDR (whoops) Bangalore meeting 3/06 –RDR accelerator design complete – costing effort full speed Vancouver meeting 7/06 –Preliminary cost numbers – 1 st drafts of written documents Valencia meeting 11/06 –Final RDR cost numbers and final drafts Release 1/07 –RDR printed??

7 RDR Suggested Milestones 1. This week: –TS and GS start defining costing procedures. –AS, TS, and GS develop WBS & dictionary –TS and GS define points-of-contact –DCB define costing level of detail  TS and GS –Go3 define optics deck coding standards KEK Meeting (this week) –Review main linac layout, specifically RF unit. Identify and resolve outstanding issue, or develop a plan to do so by January 29. Agree on location and configuration of DR. Agree on basic civil engineering layout (tunnel, number and location of shafts, surface buildings etc.). Review status of other sub-systems. Begin discussion of cost- relevant MPS/PPS, and availability issues. Agree on first draft WBS with approximate component counts. Review and agree milestones.

8 RDR Suggested Milestones 2. Week of 1/22 –TS and GS provide initial list of information needed Week of 1/29: –AS provide preliminary layouts: lengths, cooling, power for all systems (30% level)  CF&S –AS provide preliminary component counts (30% level)  TS –DCB provides costing and engineering standards –Preliminary MPS/PPS regions defined  AS –Preliminary Availability requirements  TS –Review ML rf sub-unit Week of 2/5 –ML rf sub-unit  cavity, cryomodule, rf TS –MPS and PPS requirements  AS –TS and GS identify resource conflicts –LET group finalizes ML optics and diagnostics at CERN mtg

9 RDR Suggested Milestones 3. Week of 2/12 inc. FNAL meeting –Layout schematics for e-, e+, DR, RTML –BDS and ML optics complete –ML MPS and diagnostics defined –TS and GS define costing procedures –TS comments on availability budget –Review ML and BDS optics –Iterate availability budgets –Agree to RDR Outline and writing assignments –Review costing methodology for SC cryomodules Week of 2/19 –BDS and ML hardware  TS –BDS and ML layout (inc tunnel cross-section)  CF&S

10 RDR Suggested Milestones 4. Week of 3/5 (Bangalore) –Review costing procedures esp. SC cryomodules –Review AS progress and plans –Review design parameter balance –Review TS and GS progress and plans including resources –Review status on costing major linac items –Review/optimize linac civil layout after soliciting comments from experts Week of 3/26 –e-, e+, RTML, DR optics complete April – DESY meeting?? April – May: DCB reviews of Technical & Global Systems Yikes!

11 RDR Schedule Details look scary but maybe much of it is not so bad –Much information is ready –Biggest difficulty will be the main linac cavities and cryomodule Most costs are in ‘conventional’ systems –Need optics designs (March OK for sources, DR, and RTML?) –Need iterations with CF&S –CF&S and non-SCRF is ~70% of total cost Most important to get Technical Systems groups going with the right level of detail –Many of the TS and GS are new to the project Need preliminary parts counts and cost estimates –Need to define costing procedures to develop a cost model that works in all three regions –Need to understand how site specific issues are treated

12 Area Boundaries Sources  DR and DR  RTML –Need to define clearly where beam lines end Main Linac  Positron source –Where is the undulator insert Positron  BDS –Where is the e+ line Area systems  Global Systems –Define boundaries with controls and CF&S

13 KEK Meeting Agenda 1. [General] 9:00 Tor Raubenheimer 30 Charges, goals, and schedule 9:30 Nobu Toge 30 Status of the BCD 10:00 Nick Walker 30 Treaty points and costing guidance 10:30 Break 11:00 Discussion 60 RDR outline and work plan 12:00 Lunch [Damping Ring] 1:00 Andy Wolski 60 Damping ring issues 2:00 Discussion 30 Damping ring issues [Area Descriptions / Boundaries] 2:30 Axel Brachmann 30 Electron source configuration 3:00 Masao Kuriki 30 Positron source configuration 3:30 Break 4:00 Susanne Guidicci 30 Damping ring configuration 4:30 Peter Tenenbaum 30 RTML configuration 5:00 Discussion 30 Configuration issues 5:30 Andrei Seryi 60 BDS configuration with Europe on phone 7:00 Dinner

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