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Benjamin Franklin By Dominic Wilkinson -Benjamin Franklin: inventor, printer, visionary, and founding father, possibly being the biggest influence, not.

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Presentation on theme: "Benjamin Franklin By Dominic Wilkinson -Benjamin Franklin: inventor, printer, visionary, and founding father, possibly being the biggest influence, not."— Presentation transcript:

1 Benjamin Franklin By Dominic Wilkinson -Benjamin Franklin: inventor, printer, visionary, and founding father, possibly being the biggest influence, not just on America, but everywhere else on Earth that has electronics. -Benjamin Franklin was most famous discovering electricity. -Benjamin Franklin became so popular (in the economy) he had signed the Constitution -(A)Franklin was born 1706, January 17 -(A)Franklin decided to run away 1723, influenced by brother, James, harassing him, because Ben had kept “The New England Courant” (their paper) running while James was in jail -(B)Was sent to school for a year and loved to read so he was apprenticed by his father, to his older brother as a printer (1)

2 -Benjamin Franklin’s many and also varied life experiences and his considerate intelligence -(B)An important decision he had made is, he had played a major role in the independence, by assisting in signing treaties with the French (2) -(B)Benjamin Franklin had assisted in the repeal of the Stamp Act, an act of 1756, that took revenue by adding a stamp that represented the item to be taxed -He hadn’t much prepared for his success, being removed from school at 10, although he almost never give up. He did however use his resting visions, to focus on a single idea and go to the full extent -He changed the world, by publishing the first library, and finding electricity -Although the world is still being changed by his influence although he’d lived 84 years, dying April 17, 1790, leaving the world motionless to the death of this great inventor. -(B) He was removed from Boston Latin School at age 10, to work with his father, Josiah, but that didn’t fire his imagination

3 ●Benjamin Franklin Picture: (1) (2) night-fliers-man (3) night-fliers-man ●(A), (B), ●(C), ●(D), ●(E) Sources Trivia ●(C)What child was he (1st last, of how many children)? Nine of eleven ●(C)How old was he when he signed the Declaration of Independance? 70 ●(C)What had he signed? Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and the Treaty of Paris of 1776 ●(D)What group is he in now, a group that plays a major play in our economy? Founding Fathers ●(E)At 23, what paper did he publish? The Pennsylvania Gazette (3)

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