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1 Effective Communications July 2008 TDW SUMMER RETREAT Waco, TX.

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1 1 Effective Communications July 2008 TDW SUMMER RETREAT Waco, TX

2 2 Goal of Effective Communication Inform + Persuade MOTIVATE!

3 3 Goal of Effective Communications- Inform Inform It’s all about the WHAT, WHERE, WHEN……  WHAT is the event?  WHERE is the event?  WHEN is the event? Phone & Email Tree to notify of events. Use to publicize events Create a Chapter Newsletter. Advertise meetings and activities Set up an agenda for each meeting. (include in event notification)

4 4 Goal of Effective Communications- Persuade Persuasion isn't all about selling or is it trying to convince someone to agree with you. It's about getting to shared understanding and agreement. From there you work together to reach a mutually beneficial outcome. There are 4 things to think about when developing the message. Does the message have…  Credibility  Common Ground with the audience  Evidence to back the message  Emotional Connection with the audience Newspaper or OP Ed articles with views Sponsor Candidate forums or debates Blogs

5 5 Goal of Effective Communications- Motivate Motivate If “INFORM” is all about the WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, and PERSUADE builds the case “MOTIVATE” is the WHY……  WHY should I attend this event?  WHY should I participate? Provide an agenda before chapter meetings. Know your audience! Provide snacks &/or entertainment. Involve/Engage members & attendees Query for suggestions to improve chapter organization..

6 6 Who do we need to reach? Within the Chapter –Active Members –Members who pay dues but not not participate –Lapsed Members Between Democratic organizations –County Democratic Party –Young Democrats –Texas Democratic Party –National Democratic organization Outside the Democratic organization –Independent voters –Potential voters Unregistered Registered but not active voters –Organizations that represent Democratic principals

7 7 What methods can we use to communicate?

8 8 How do we get our message across? Inform - Persuade - Motivate Who is our audience? What method of communication should we use? What do we want to accomplish? DEVELOP A COMMUNICATION STRATEGY!

9 9 Develop a Communication Strategy Communication Plan (See Samples) –Define goals (For each group and activity what to you want to accomplish? –Establish a Budget –Communication Matrix (defines activities, audience, method ) –List of Contacts –List of Resources Develop Template Library –Sample Ads –Invitations –Editorials –Press Releases Assign Responsibilities –Committees –Media Coordinator This person makes sure press releases go out on time, keeps media lists updated, makes press calls, and works actively behind the scenes during events. –Spokesperson –Writer –Photographer

10 10 Types of activities to Publicize The following suggestions are low-cost or no-cost activities. They don't require money to undertake, as much as they require time and commitment. In addition to announcing events, you can send press releases to:  announce activities (meetings, fundraising, social, activism)  highlight particularly effective, unique, innovative or interesting activities  announce how a particular piece of pending or recently-passed legislation will affect your organization and those it serves  announce partnerships you have formed with another organization/other organizations  announce awards your organization is giving or receiving  announce an impending visit to your organization by guest speakers  acknowledge a particular day of focus that relates to your organization and its work  Non-press organizations and other non-press representatives should also get your organization press releases (as appropriate); this is how you can build a public reputation and become associated with local causes.

11 11 Media Resources Television Cable Access Radio Newspaper –City –County –Specialty Magazines –City –County Internet –Websites WWW.TDW.ORG WWW.TXDEMOCRATS.ORG WWW.DNC.ORG –Blogs WWW.BLOGNETNEWS.COM

12 12 Building a foundation of Resources WWW.TDW.ORG –Membership lists –Chapter websites –Calendar –Mailing labels –Links to other resources –Artifacts/Templates (future) –Voter information WWW.BLOGNETNEWS.COM –Top state Blogs

13 13 Helpful hints when working with media outlets…... Make the reporter’s job as easy as possible. Provide a prepared press-release or text. If sending digital photos, use high resolution and.jpg format. If a reporter is attending an event, have your media coordinator meet the reporter when they arrive brief them and ask if there is anything they need. (make them feel welcome) The internet is an excellent place to find information. Try a Google search of “media relations”. The websites provide hints on a variety of subjects from how to write a press release to techniques in helping get your articles published. – –

14 14 TDW Mission Statement Texas Democratic Women was organized in 1987 as one response to the growing political interest expressed by mainstream women from across the state. TDW promotes the increased political activity and influence of Democratic women in Texas politics and government. TDW provides statewide training conferences and workshops. In addition, the group serves as a communication network for existing Democratic women's organizations and promotes the formation of new groups. There are many organized groups which represent certain segments of women Democrats in Texas. Some are tied to a particular city or county in the state; others reflect particular issue agendas or ethnic groups. Some groups attract women in a specific age category or occupation. Of course, there are professional and career women in our party, but there are also many women who work in the home or are retired. None of these organizations currently represent the broad range of women in our Party. Texas Democratic Women works to unite this wonderful diversity of devoted women behind one common goal - the support of our Party and the involvement of women in the political process.

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