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Photoperiodisms Photo = light Period = time. Photoperiodism A physical response to photosynthesis, the length of day verses the length of night Plants.

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Presentation on theme: "Photoperiodisms Photo = light Period = time. Photoperiodism A physical response to photosynthesis, the length of day verses the length of night Plants."— Presentation transcript:

1 Photoperiodisms Photo = light Period = time

2 Photoperiodism A physical response to photosynthesis, the length of day verses the length of night Plants that flower under certain day length conditions are said to be photoperiodic.

3 Critical Length The length of daylight hours a plant requires in order to produce flowers Could be determined by: Time (1 day or weeks) Temperature Location

4 Photorecptors Specialized plant cells that monitor the amount of light (like having eyes) Plants are actually more sensitive to the length of darkness than of light.

5 Short-day plants Plants that require a light period shorter than the critical length Plant will bloom only in time less than the critical length flowers in early spring or late fall Ex: poinsettias, strawberries, primroses

6 Long-day plants Plants that require a light period longer than the critical length Plant will bloom only in time more than the critical length flowers in the summer Ex: spinach, lettuce, hembane

7 Day-neutral plants Not affected by the amount of daylight Blooms in spring, summer, and fall Ex: cucumbers, sunflowers, rice

8 Photoperiodism Short-dayLong-dayDay-neutral Light Length Less than critical length More than critical length Not affected BloomsSpring, FallSummer Spring, Summer, Fall Examples Poinsettias, Strawberries, Primroses Spinach, Lettuce, Hembane Cucumbers, Lettuce, Rice

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