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CONSULTATION ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY OF REPORT 41 responses: 37 from countries and 4 from international organizations Majority of countries.

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Presentation on theme: "CONSULTATION ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY OF REPORT 41 responses: 37 from countries and 4 from international organizations Majority of countries."— Presentation transcript:

1 CONSULTATION ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY OF REPORT 41 responses: 37 from countries and 4 from international organizations Majority of countries expressed support for the work and noted the good progress achieved

2 Support for quality of life aspects and the international dimension of sustainable development Most of the countries find useful to link a conceptual approach with a thematic (policy based) approach Warnings expressed on the use of monetization techniques and on the calculation of ecological footprints

3 The results of the consultation were reviewed in-depth during the meeting of the Task Force on 19-20 May 2011 The Task Force appreciated the many useful comments received and will take them into account in finalising the Report The full report of the Task Force is planned to be submitted to the CES 2012 plenary session

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